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Community Foundation of NCW: Helping Hands Grants 2.0 (US)

Community Foundation of NCW: Helping Hands Grants 2.0 (US)

Deadline: 1-Dec-20

The Community Foundation of North Central Washington is seeking applications for the Helping Hands Grants Program 2.0.

The newly revised Helping Hands Grant 2.0 is intended to support people in their region who have been most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Special consideration will be given to organizations with a history of serving the needs of populations that have been hardest hit by the pandemic and who have been historically marginalized, under-served, or under-resourced (including indigenous and people of colour, low-income, geographically isolated, LGBTQ individuals, people with disabilities, refugees and immigrants, non-English speakers, people experiencing homelessness, the elderly, and other vulnerable populations).

Funds are available to 501(c)3 nonprofits and public agencies in Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties providing critical safety-net needs for community members (including food security, housing support, physical and mental health, safety, and pre-K childcare) due to the socio-economic and health impacts of the pandemic in their region.


Helping Hands grants are intended to help with the following pandemic-related impacts:

A demonstrated increase in demand for safety-net services;
Adapting or improving critical program delivery;
Expanding organizational capacity to meet community needs;
Sustaining operations due to shifting financial realities.
Helping Hands grants are not intended to:

Provide additional program support due to an anticipated increase in demand for services;
Cover costs that state/federal emergency relief funds will fund or reimburse;
Pay down deficits.
Eligibility Criteria

Grants are for 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations serving and located in Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties only. All other organizations are required to have a 501c3 fiscal sponsor prior to submitting a grant request.
Organizations must provide critical safety-net needs for community members (including food security, housing support, physical and mental health, safety, and pre-K childcare) due to the socio-economic and health impacts of the pandemic in their region.
Grant requests should be directly connected to the current public health crisis and providing direct services to individuals in their communities.
Organizations are only eligible for one COVID-19 Helping Hands Grant 2.0 award.
Grantees who receive a COVID-19 Helping Hands Grant 2.0 will not be eligible for Nonprofit Reemergence Grants
Grant funds must be expended within one year of the award date
Final grant reports will be required to be submitted 45 days after the close of the grant period indicated on the Grant Agreement.
No grants will be made specifically for religious purposes but can be made to religious organizations for general community programs
The Board of Trustees is responsible for final grant decisions and authorizes distribution of grants pursuant to these and other guidelines established by the Community Foundation.
For more information, visit https://cfncw.org/helpinghands/


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