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Seniors Community Grants Program in Canada

Seniors Community Grants Program in Canada

Deadline: 28-Apr-22

The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility has announced the applications for Seniors Community Grants Program to help community organizations provide opportunities for greater social inclusion, volunteerism and community engagement for older adults, from the safety of their homes or other safe environments.

With the health and safety of Ontario’s older adults being more important than ever, the goal of the program is to address social isolation and help older adults stay healthy, safe and engaged in their communities.

Focus Areas
Projects can be focused on a number of areas. Examples include:

financial awareness
social inclusion
elder abuse prevention
mental well-being
physical activity
Funding Information
Seniors Community Grants ranging from $1,000 up to $25,000

Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants must:

Be an incorporated not-for-profit organization.
Be an individual that represents a community organization or group that contributes to the well-being of local older adults.
Represent seniors’ groups and/or offer programs or services that directly benefit older adults living in Ontario.
Be registered in Transfer Payment Ontario.
Individuals and organizations that are approved for funding are accountable for the funding, reporting to the ministry on project expenditures, and liabilities outlined in the agreement.
For more information, visit https://www.ontario.ca/page/available-funding-opportunities-ontario-government#section-24


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