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New Voices Fellowship at the Aspen Institute in the USA

New Voices Fellowship at the Aspen Institute in the USA 

 Date limite :

15 oct. 2019


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2019 scholarships منح دراسية 2019 منح دراسية مجانية 2019 Turkey fully funded bourse d’étude 2019 مسابقات 2019 fully funded scholarships 2019 منح دراسية مجانية بكالوريوس 2019-2020 منح دراسية مجانية بكالوريوس 2018-2019 منح دراسية مجانية بكالوريوس 2019

The Aspen Institute’s New Voices Fellowship is a year-long program that provides intensive media and advocacy training for frontline development experts. With support from a team of experienced mentors and trainers, New Voices fellows develop and amplify their ideas to bring about meaningful change.They are looking for 15 Fellows who are development experts in fields such as food security, global health, development economics, health and human rights, mental health, and climate change. They are also looking for 10 Fellows who are experts working on the frontlines of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Candidates for the Fellowship are expected to have both a record of significant professional achievement and a desire to share their perspectives on global development with a broader international audience. The Fellowship is open by nomination only.

Candidates from any developing country are welcomed to apply.

All expenses related to the fellowship are paid, including certain media-related travel costs.

For more information, please visit the official web page

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