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iHub Women in Business Program 2019 for Women Entrepreneurs in Kenya


iHub Women in Business Program 2019 for Women Entrepreneurs in Kenya

Deadline: August 17, 2019

Applications for the iHub Women in Business Program 2019 are now open. iHub wants to grow the number of socially and economically empowered women entrepreneurs who run women-owned/women-led sustainable businesses working in the ICT sector in Kenya.

The objectives of the program are

  • Strengthening the capacity of women entrepreneurs to own and lead sustainable business working in the ICT sector.
  • Strengthen the capacity of established women entrepreneurs to start, run and grow sustainable businesses that work in the ICT sector
  • Identify women with the potential for entrepreneurship and nurture them to develop and run sustainable businesses in the ICT sectors
  • Increasing the number of women-owned and women-led companies working in the ICT sector that can handle big money projects
  • Strengthening collaboration between different actors in the ICT and innovation sector in order to utilise the learning and perspectives generated by the Women in Business programme to make evidence-based and credible contributions to relevant national and global policy discourses.


Successful applicants will

  • Have access to the iHub co-working space (desk space, meeting rooms for those formal discussions and lounges for laid back conversations, and other membership benefits)
  • Participate in a 6 month tailor-made programme that will develop their business acumen and entrepreneurial and technical skills
  • Have access to business support services that range from legal services, human resources and many others
  • Become more embedded in the East African entrepreneurs community, amplify the impact of their businesses, and ensure the value from their products/solutions and services reach those who would benefit the most


  • Applicant must be a woman
  • Be 18 years and above
  • Reside in Kenya
  • Have a registered business
  • Be developing an innovative and scalable product that uses technology
  • Has proof of concept and an existing business that is post revenue
  • Business model must have a clear focus on sustainability
  • At least 1 year in operation
  • Post revenue which means you have begun to generate sales


Click here to apply