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Calling Not-For-Profit Organisations to Support Indigenous Peoples’ Networks

Calling Not-For-Profit Organisations to Support Indigenous Peoples’ Networks

Deadline: 3 November 2019

Small Grants Programme (SGP) is seeking proposals from competent regional not-for-profit organisations in the Asia Region to ‘Support indigenous peoples’ networks in the implementation of CBD provisions on the protection and transmission of traditional knowledge (TK) and the Nagoya Protocol on access and benefit-sharing (ABS)’.

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Objectives for the Call for Proposals

The Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) has three main objectives which are:

  • The conservation of biological diversity;
  • sustainable use of the components of biological diversity;
  • fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.

To realize the implementation of the third objective of the CBD – the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP10) adopted the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilization in 2010 after over six years of negotiations. Successful implementation of the third objective is critical to support the fulfilment of the two other objectives of the Convention.

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The specific objectives:

  • Assist with the implementation of Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) policy and legal frameworks for target countries in the Asia Region region in partnership with relevant indigenous peoples’ networks at national and sub-national levels (focus countries may include, but not be limited to Indonesia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam).
  • Enhance education and public awareness on conservation and sustainable use of biological resources and ABS – with a special focus on gender aspects of Traditional Knowledge (TK) and indigenous women’s empowerment.
  • Support government and partner efforts to build capacity on bio-prospecting, medicinal plant conservation and TK documentation, including mechanisms for ABS, with a special focus on indigenous peoples, women and gender.
  • Contribute to poverty alleviation through supporting community biodiversity conservation initiatives and income generation through on-the-ground SGP projects in support of agrobiodiversity supply chains in target countries in South-East Asia and South Asian countries, as well as outreach with the CBD at the global level.

Primary project/program title: SGP 6th Operational Phase (Community Landscape/Seascape Conservation)

Grant Information

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Grant funding available for the activity is up to a maximum of US $150,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • This call for proposal is only open to trusted non-profit entities with high reputation and over 7 years’ working experience in the field of environment; indigenous peoples rights; gender and traditional knowledge; CBD Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) and genetic resources.
  • This experience must be supported by a brief description of the services provided, client and the duration of the contract for a minimum of 3 relevant clients.
  • Has working experience or will be ready and willing to work with (but not be limited to) one or more of the following countries in South-East Asia and South Asia which may include, but not be limited to: Indonesia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
  • It is expected that the selected grantee organization will be capable to undertake the activities of this CFP as part of the project:
    • Limitations:
      • Proponents should be:
        • International non-profit organization dedicated in the field of environment and development, biodiversity conservation, and the cause of indigenous peoples and grassroots communities.
        • Organizations have the ability or can demonstrate their potential for working in a facilitative way (including through collaboration with international partners) to conduct local-level initiatives on Traditional Knowledge (TK), women’s empowerment, and ABS in at least two of the Asian countries listed.
        • Only organizations that have their own capacity (required qualified personnel, partner organizations and/or affiliate entities), and ability to establish functional mechanism to administer and implement the activities.
    • Minimum requirements/qualifications of entities:
      • Proven relevant working experience of over 7 years in the field of environment and development, TK, women’s empowerment, ABS and work with indigenous peoples and grassroots communities. This experience must be supported by a brief description of the services provided, client and the duration of the contract for a minimum of 3 relevant clients.
      • Have a minimum of two fully dedicated personnel with at least a Masters degree in Environment and development or related field preferred. Please attach relevant CVs and organizational structure.
      • Strong understanding and proven experience on CBD and CBD processes; Aichi 2020 targets; Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing; and 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
      • The bidder has proven experience coordination of different partners, and delivering workshops and policy dialogue platforms.
      • Proven administrative capacity for project financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting.
      • Ability to dedicate time and focused effort to produce results and report in a timely manner.
    • Other critical considerations:
      • Past working experience or ability to work closely with programme partners: International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB), CBD Secretariat, Global ICCA Consortium and other organizations and indigenous peoples’ networks supported by the UNDP-implemented GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) in the target countries in South-East Asia and South Asia regions.
      • Past performance in the scope of work described above, knowledge of the region/countries where the activities will take place, technical capacity, adherence to UN fiduciary requirements of the entity and its officials will be strongly considered when selecting most suitable entity.
      • This entity must subscribe to UN values.

How to Apply

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Applicants should submit their proposals via email at the address given on the website.

For more information, please visit https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/98779


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