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U.S. Embassy Maseru: Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program

Grants Opportunities

U.S. Embassy Maseru: Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program

Deadline: 31-May-21

The U.S. Embassy Maseru Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program.

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Early Grant Information for NGOs

PAS Maseru invites proposals for programs that strengthen cultural ties between the U.S. and the Kingdom of Lesotho through cultural and exchange programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural element, or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives. Examples of PAS Small Grants Program programs include, but are not limited to:

Proposals to expand or build on U.S.-Lesotho exchange programs;
Programs that strengthen government and civil society capabilities;
Youth community service projects that encourage volunteerism and support the outlined priorities;
Civic education projects that promote democratic processes and human rights;
Youth recreation, leadership, professional development, entrepreneurship, and education programs;
Arts and cultural programs;
New media concepts aimed at reaching wider audiences;
Media training projects;
Radio and television programming in support of the outlined priorities.
Programs in concert with the American Corner & YALI Leadership Innovation Hub, including innovative opportunities for networking and professional development;
Programs in the Districts outside Maseru as part of the “American Corner on the Road” series.
Priority Program Areas

SDG Funding of $20,000 is available for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality

Dutch Organisation giving grants to strengthen the skills of Women and Young Girls

This call is open to fund Projects with a Social Impact: Apply Now!

Funding Schemes for Large and Small-scale Projects helping to tackle Climate Change

Core Support Grants for Feminist Groups and Initiatives

Youth Initiative to enhance Peace and Security and Improve Democratic Governance in Africa

NGO Grants to advance Maternal, Child Health and HIV/AIDS Outcomes

Faith-based Foundation Funding for Construction Projects and Purchase of Books, Computers, Vehicles and Medical Equipment

Human Rights Grant Oppportunity ($200,000 CAD and $500,000 CAD) for LGBTQ2I Communities

International Funding for Cultural Heritage Preservation Projects

Small Grants to conserve the Forest for Sustainable Development

Joint Call for addressing Human Rights Issues and promoting Peace

Funding Call for NGO Projects that strive to make a Social Impact

Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now

Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now

Public Diplomacy grant proposals must have a connection to American culture and values or should be directed to increasing understanding in Lesotho of American culture and society. Proposals should also be related to one or more of the following U.S. Embassy priorities:

Promote opportunity and development (in relation to Basotho youth and women): promote professional skills and leadership development; encourage innovation and entrepreneurship; support business creation and economic development; create networking, mentorship, and internship opportunities.
Strengthen democratic institutions: encourage active citizen participation in government; promote increased voter participation in democratic processes at all levels; encourage press freedom and professional media coverage; counter misinformation; support actions to combat trafficking-in-persons; and increase attention to minority and disadvantaged populations.
Support Lesotho in reaching and sustaining epidemic control through efforts aimed at maintaining healthy lifestyles; present accurate information on transmission, prevention, care, and treatment; reduce stigma and discrimination; support awareness and dialogue about related issues like LGBTI rights and ending gender-based violence.
All projects must:
Reinforce mutual understanding between the United States and the Kingdom of Lesotho: present accurate information on the U.S.-Lesotho partnership; build connections with Basotho at all levels; support the promotion of Basotho and American cross-cultural heritage, traditional and modern art forms, and other forms of creative expression; and foster English language proficiency.
Build capacity and awareness across the Kingdom of Lesotho: include plans to share information publicly via social or traditional media, hold a virtual public dialogue or networking event in concert with the American Corner in Maseru, and (at a minimum) with one partner location outside of Maseru district to ensure more Basotho have access to public diplomacy programming and grant information.
Adhere to COVID-19 regulations in Lesotho. Programs with virtual components will be prioritized.
Funding Information

The floor of Individual Award Amounts: $500;
The ceiling of Individual Award Amounts: $10,000;
Note: Typical Award Amount: Between $2,000-3,000.
Participants and Audiences

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Public Diplomacy grants are intended for individuals, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks, and academic institutions. They support projects that:

Promote opportunity and development in relation to Basotho youth and women and in areas related to entrepreneurship, skills development, and maintaining healthy lifestyles;
Bring USG exchange alumni together with likeminded individuals, particularly youth and women, to share ideas, best practices, and build sustainable professional networks;
Strengthen democratic processes and institutions, especially civil society and the media; and
Reinforce the bridge of mutual understanding and shared vision between the U.S. and Lesotho.
Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be Basotho or currently residing in Lesotho. The programs must take place and be focused on Lesotho. The Public Affairs Section encourages applications from:

Training Video on Essential Financial Management Skills for NGOs

Training Video: How to Influence Donors through Your Proposals by Cheryl Hooper

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Training Video: Grant Writing Skills & Tips for Award Winning Proposals by Cheryl Hooper

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Premium Training Video on ‘Developing a Strong Concept Note’ by Cheryl Hooper

Civil-society organizations and local representatives of civil society;
Non-governmental organizations;
Academic institutions;
For-profit or commercial entities are not eligible to apply.
For more information, visit