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UNICEF recruits 01 International Consultancy – Editor


UNICEF recruits 01 International Consultancy – Editor


Humanitaire (ONG, Associations, …), Projet/programme de développement
International Consultancy – Editor
Job Number: 530459 | Vacancy Link
Locations: Africa: Malawi
Work Type : Consultancy
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.
Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.
And we never give up.
For every child, a future!
 The UNICEF Malawi Country Office faces ongoing requirements for production of communication, advocacy and visibility materials that document children’s key issues and UNICEF’s responses in the field through high quality content packages. These content packages will be used as advocacy tools to push for support with policy makers, media, donors, partners and the public at large particularly on key priority issues such as ending child marriages, keeping girls in school and parenting skills campaigns. These high-quality content packages include graphic design packages, advocacy toolkits, photos, human interest stories, videos and short films, animations, outreach materials, etc. that document UNICEF’s work and programming in the country. These content packages will be disseminated through different channels including website, social media platforms, external media networks, partner networks and donor reports.
 To meet this requirement, the UNICEF Malawi Country Office would like to engage the services of professional content editors who will be available at short notice to undertake projects for editing UNICEF’s work and programmes following UNICEF publications and Stylebook guidelines.
The overall objective is to set up a roster of pre-approved Content Editors (consultants) with agreed, when-actually-engaged fees and terms of engagement. This will help the UNICEF Malawi Country Office to contract their services on an “as needed” basis.
Major duties and responsibilities
Edit, proof-read, restructure, and rewrite as required materials ranging from complex publications to substantive technical documents;
Produce reader-friendly, jargon-free products appropriate for varied audiences;
Ensure clarity, consistency and readability of the text for wide range of audiences;
Make necessary revisions according to UNICEF Stylebook (will be provided) and UNICEF publications guidelines;
Correct spelling errors and grammar mistakes;
Ensure a consistent style and format throughout the document;
Maintain the authors’ writing style to the extent practical;
Eliminate repetition, redundancies and inconsistencies;
Ensure appropriate positioning and numbering of boxes, figures and tables;
Use consistent font(s) – as relevant to headings and text and as per UNICEF stylebook and publication guidelines;
Ensure all footnotes, sources, references are complete and consistent;
Thorough review of annexes (people consulted, bibliography, etc.) to highlight incomplete areas along with consistency in presentation as per UNICEF publication guidelines;
Prepare a complete table of Contents and Acronym List per document;
Proof read designed layout files to ensure a complete print ready file;
In all written products the following considerations must be made:
Protecting the rights of the child must be given priority above all considerations when collecting and writing stories and other materials;
Ensuring clarity, readability, logic, appropriateness as well as engaging writing in all products;
Ensuring language accuracy.
Ensure adherence to UNICEF style book and guidelines and alignment with the regional and country programme objectives. (UNICEF style guide will be provided by the UNICEF Malawi Country Office);
Ensuring factual accuracy including accurate representation of the issues and programmes;
Be available for feedback and inputs as per the requirements of the office;
Be available for several rounds of editing with regards to stories.
Produce final version ready to be formatted and uploaded for multiple platforms including print, website and social media.
To whom will the consultant report: Chief of Communication, Partnerships and Advocacy
What type of reporting will be expected from the consultant: The consultant will be expected to report on those stories and documents which require editing as per UNICEF instructions and when they occur. The report will cover number of documents edited, tasks accomplished according to given timelines, editorial standards followed and recommendations to the UNICEF communication team on future documents.
How and when will reporting be done: The consultant will be expected to report during and after the end of each asssignment. After each editing work a report will be submitted on findings and recommendations on a specific story or document.
How can you make a difference?
The consultant will be expected to perform the following activities as per the deliverable schedule and estimated dates below:

Estimate #




Timeline/ Deadline

Schedule of payment



·        Well-edited and reader-friendly contents in multiple formats as required and agreed by the supervisor of the contract.·        Report on finding and recommendation on stories/documents edited. Number of estimated days and timeline to be confirmed as and when needed.  100% lumpsum payment upon completion of assignment


However, as the actual starting date may impact the dates estimated in the TOR, the final timeframes and actual delivery dates will be jointly agreed upon between the consultant and the supervisor of the contract.
All payments, without exception, will be made upon certification from the supervisor of the contract, of the satisfactory and quality completion of deliverables and upon receipt of the respective and approved invoice.
There will be no requirement for the consultant to travel to Malawi. This will be an off-site assignment.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
Academic qualification: First degree in communication, journalism, creative writing or similar discipline.
Technical skills and knowledge: Demonstrated ability to produce high quality, creative communication materials.
Work experience: A minimum of 8 years of proven experience editing and writing reports and other communication materials (including children-related issues) in English; Previous experience editing and writing for UNICEF and familiarity with UNICEF’s style guidelines and UN editorial manual highly desirable; Experience or knowledge of UNICEF’s work in Malawi will be an asset;
Competencies: Excellent writing skills and demonstrated record of high quality publications on children’s issues; Good interpersonal skills and flexible attitude; Organizational and coordination skills; Ability to work independently and to meet tight deadlines to deliver products on time; Professional work ethic, integrity, and initiative
Languages:  English native speakers or High level English essential;
For every Child, you demonstrate…
UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.
UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.
Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.
Closing Date Mon Mar 16 2020 16:00:00 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid)