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Increase Food Security Among Young Children Grant (US)


Increase Food Security Among Young Children Grant (US)

Deadline: 18-Dec-20

No Kid Hungry is pleased to release a new grant opportunity to increase food security among children from birth – five years old.

(Ad) What tools do you need to raise funds for your organization?
A grants database, a donor search option, sample proposals, a library of guidebooks on how to raise funds, a grants map, a deadline calendar, training from fundraising experts and an alert system to give you timely information about new opportunities. We have all of these in our Premium Membership service – now available at 50% discount. $49.99 per year only. Click here!
Grant funding is available to support a variety of strategies to increase access to nutritious food and support young kids and families in the new operating environment created as a result of the coronavirus, including:

Working with health care providers and community organizations to promote awareness of and increase participation in federal nutrition programs like WIC, SNAP and Medicaid
Using vouchers, coupons, food “farmacies,” meal kits, “food prescriptions,” boxes and other means to offer healthy food supports to families by addressing access and transportation challenges through delivery, pick-up or store visits
Innovative partnerships (like with a local restaurant or early child care centers that are serving as community food access points) that bring various community groups together to address food security needs of young children and their families
Healthy food access programs built as a response to ideas developed from community engagement
Supporting enrollment in SNAP, WIC and Pandemic-EBT programs or other programs that support 0-5-year-olds.
Funding Information

Grants will be between $15,000-$25,000.

(Ad) How can I search grant information of my interest?
fundsforNGOs Premium Membership has been designed to help NGOs and development professionals to easily find grant information of their interest. We have multiple ways to help you identify the grants you seek. Unlimited search options, advanced filter search and customised listings are available for you. Premium Membership is now available at 50% discount. $49.99 per year only. Click here!
Community organizations, early child care centers, healthcare providers and others working to ensure vulnerable young children have access to healthy food are encouraged to apply for a grant.
Applicants will be required to provide the following information:
Reporting and authorized signature contact information;
Demographic information of the population served;
A detailed description of grant funding program objectives;
Detailed budget of the anticipated use of funding;
The detail on how you incorporate community voice into your organization.
Application Requirements

Applicants will be required to provide the following information:

Reporting and authorized signature contact information.
Demographic information of the population served.
Detailed description of grant funding program objectives.
Detailed budget of the anticipated use of funding.
The detail on how you incorporate community voice into your organization.
Application Process

(Ad) Looking for Grants and Donors for your country?
Premium Membership has a Grants and Donor Search databases where you can pick up your country and quickly browse through the grants and donors of your interest. Within a few minutes you will know who will fund you and how you can submit your grant request. Premium Membership is now available at 50% discount. $49.99 per year only. Click here!
Log into or create an account for the No Kid Hungry Grants Portal.
To create a new account, click “New User”.
To begin your application after you have logged into the No Kid Hungry Grants Portal, click “Start a New Application” on your Grantee Dashboard located on the top left corner of your home page, below the No Kid Hungry logo.
Input the access code to gain access to the application.
Be sure to input all required answers and save frequently as you are inputting information.
Complete the application when all information is entered by clicking on “Review Your Answers” and then “Submit Your Answer.”
For more information, visit