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Habib DIARRA opte pour le SÉNÉGAL et devrait être convoqué par « Él Tactico » en septembre

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Habib Diarra, a talented football player, has made the decision to represent Senegal and is expected to be called up by « El tactico » in September.

In a thrilling turn of events, Habib Diarra, the highly skilled footballer, has chosen Senegal as his national team. Sources indicate that Diarra’s decision has delighted both the player and the Senegalese football association.

The news has come as a pleasant surprise to fans as Diarra was previously eligible to play for multiple countries due to his dual citizenship. However, after careful consideration, the 22-year-old has made his mind up and opted to wear the jersey of the Teranga Lions.

Diarra’s exceptional performances in recent seasons have caught the attention of numerous national team scouts, and it appears that Senegal has successfully secured his commitment. The player’s technical ability, agility, and tactical intelligence make him a valuable addition to any team, and the Senegalese football authorities are keenly aware of this.

Under the leadership of the national team’s head coach, widely known as « El tactico, » Diarra is expected to receive his first official call-up in September. This signifies a significant milestone in the young player’s career, as representing one’s nation at the international level is often a dream for many athletes.

Diarra’s skill set and versatility on the field have made him a highly sought-after talent. His ability to control the game’s tempo, read plays, and make decisive passes has earned him widespread acclaim in the footballing world. Fans and pundits alike have praised his composure under pressure and knack for creating scoring opportunities.

With his decision to play for Senegal, Diarra joins a growing list of talented players who have chosen to represent the African nation. This signifies the upward trajectory of Senegal’s football program and further strengthens their formidable squad.

As the football community eagerly awaits the September call-up, expectations are high for Diarra’s debut in the national team. Senegalese supporters hope that his contributions will help propel the team to success in international competitions and solidify their status as a force to be reckoned with on the world stage.

In conclusion, Habib Diarra’s choice to represent Senegal demonstrates his commitment to his heritage and passion for the sport. The young prodigy’s talent and potential have not gone unnoticed, and his upcoming call-up in September will undoubtedly mark the beginning of an exciting chapter in his career. Football enthusiasts, both in Senegal and around the world, eagerly await Diarra’s contributions as he dons the Senegalese jersey and showcases his skills on the international stage.
