togopapel Publicité 2 doingbuzz echowebafrique asso afritogo is recruiting for multiple positions in Nigeria

Whatsapp Image 2020 11 15 At 14.03.23 is a widely visited miscellaneous news website. In order to expand its activities in several other African countries such as Nigeria, Doingbuzz is recruiting Editors, one (1) Editor-in-Chief and one (1) Community Manager.

For the editor:

– Mastering web content writing in English. Having written for other news related websites will be an asset.

– Be active on social networks and master their operation

– Be connected with news of the world and mainly of Nigeria as a whole and all its regions.

How to apply: Send your CV by WhatsApp on the number +33 6 18 08 97 21

and specify the words « Editor Nigeria »

For the Editor-in-Chief:

– Mastering web content writing. Having written articles for other websites will be an asset.

– Be active on social networks and master their operation

– Be a connected with the news of the world and mainly of Nigeria.

– Have the ability to manage a team.

How to apply: Send your CV by WhatsApp on the number +33 6 18 08 97 21

and specify the words « Editor-in-Chief Nigeria »

For the Community Manager:

– Have the ability to energize a community on social networks. Having experience in the field will be an asset.

– Be active on social networks and master their operation

– Be a connected with the news of the world and mainly of Nigeria.

How to apply: Send your CV by WhatsApp on the number +33 6 18 08 97 21 and specify

« Community Manager Nigeria »