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Secours Islamique France recruits 01 Head of mission


Secours Islamique France recruits 01 Head of mission

Description SECOURS ISLAMIQUE FRANCE (SIF) is a Non-Governmental Organization of international solidarity based in France. Founded in 1991, SIF is a non-profit and non-political organization that intents to help, to bring relief and to protect the lives of those threatened by natural disasters, armed conflicts or by economic collapse. SIF provides its help in respect of the cultural diversity, without any distinction of origin, religion or gender.Mission context:

SIF is registered and working in Syria since 2008. Since the crisis on 2012, SIF Syria is implementing projects for the displaced persons in several governorates of the country. The set up of the mission designed since 2015, which includes several positions of expatriate staff, is hard to put in place giving the difficulties to obtain expatriate visas.

SECOURS ISLAMIQUE FRANCE is recruiting a head of mission (M/F) based in Damascus (SYRIA).

He/she is responsible for:

  • Leadership of the Country Programme
  • The overall program development and program implementation,
  • The staff management,
  • Guaranteeing the respect of SIF procedures, policies and best practices,
  • Representing the SIF toward local authorities, and the different stakeholders (Donors, local NGOs…).
  • Identifying and securing institutional donors’ funding
  • Safety and Security Management


  • 5 years of experience in humanitarian work (Country Director, Deputy Country Director, Chief of Party)
  • Experience of securing substantial external funding.
  • Knowledge and experience of project planning and budget holding; proposal and report writing.
  • Strong leadership skills and a supportive management style (experience managing national and expatriate staff)
  • Experience of working within an insecure environment;
  • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English (and desirably French and/or Arabic)
  • Confident and proficient in the use of MS Office, especially Word and Excel.

Working conditions:**

  • Starting date : As soon as possible
  • Remuneration according to profile
  • Monthly perdiem
  • Social and medical cover (SIF contributes to 60% of the insurance)
  • Guesthouse

Secours Islamique France diversity is a wealth;

We will study every application with required skills for the position.

Ville Damascus
Experience 0 à 3 ans
Fonctions Autre, Direction et administration
Secteurs d’activité Autre, Gestion crise / post-crise, Développement économique et local
Pays Moyen Orient, Syrie
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Date de fin de validité 01/04/2020