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Croix Rouge Française recruits 01 Head of Delegation/Head of mission


Croix Rouge Française recruits 01 Head of Delegation/Head of mission – Damascus – Syria – H/F

Description Context of the positionThe French Red Cross (FRC) was active in Syria from 2009 to 2012 and supported the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in medical centers.

The FRC has recently been granted funds to support the SARC in WASH activities, more precisely Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) promotion activities for 25 000 women and girls.

FRC will therefore open a delegation in Damascus.

This project carried out by the FRC and the SARC will be implemented in 3 governorates.

The activities held will be:

  • To lead and facilitate discussion groups on MHM
  • To share information concerning menstruation and puberty according to the interest shown by the women and girls
  • To distribute menstrual hygiene kits adapted to the needs and cultural environment

The position

Under the responsibility of the Desk Manager in Paris, the head of delegation will be in charge of the:

  • Set up of a desk in SARC’s offices
  • Coordination of the strategic position
  • Implementation and monitoring of the activities
  • Supervision of financial and logistic resource management
  • Supervision of human resources
  • Communication management and reporting
  • Security Management

Under the authority of the Deputy desk officer based in Paris, the head of delegation tasks are divided into 6 categories

  • Establishment, coordination and strategic positioning
  • Implementation and follow up of the activities
  • Supervision of the financial and logistic means management
  • Human resources management
  • Communication and reporting
  • Security management


Ville Damas
Expériences / Formation du candidat The profile of the candidate 

  • Master’s degree in humanitarian project management or in a similar field;
  • You already worked in a similar position for at least 3 years;
  • Experience in team management;
  • Experience or knowledge of FRC and RC & RC Movement would be an asset;
  • Experience in the Middle-East would be an asset;
  • English mandatory (oral and written);
  • Arabic would be an asset.

Job requirement:

Linked to the Head of Delegation position:

  • Autonomous, multi-skilled, adaptable
  • Good relationship, diplomat
  • Good skills in project management
  • Computer tools literacy (complete autonomy on Word and Excel)
  • Writing skills and experience in project proposal and report writing
  • Good capacity to analyze and synthesize

Linked to the specific environment of the mission :

  • Discipline, patience, flexible et adaptation skills
  • You know how to be patient
  • Experience in staff from different cultures management. Good team work capacity
  • Comfortable and adaptable in institutional relations
  • Good knowledge or experience in the RC/RC Movement (operation, mandate…)
  • Discipline, flexibility and adaptation skills
  • Adaptation and negotiation skills



  • Location : Damascus, Syria
  • Duration: 09 months
  • To be filled: October 2019
  • Status: expatriate position

The French Red Cross reserves the right to fill the position before the closing date for applications


  • Passport valid for more than 6 months at the moment of departure
  • Up-to-date vaccination card / fitness for travel

Online training

To be better acquainted with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, we invite you to follow two training sessions online, free and accessible to all that constitute a real advantage for your application:
WORC (The World of Red Cross and Red Crescent) is an e-learning course on the fundamental principles and operations of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Its 12 modules address subjects such as the origin and history of the Movement, its fundamental principles, its emblem, the International Federation, the ICRC and national societies. It is intended for all: volunteers, employees, members or people wishing to get more information on the biggest humanitarian movement in the world.

Stay Safe is intended for every staff in a position to carry out international missions on behalf of the Federation or a National Society of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. The course aims at developing a common culture of security management within the Movement in order to enable a better understanding of the main threats and risks for humanitarian actors in the field, and offers solutions to restrain their impact.

You will find these lessons on the IFRC Learning Platform open to all by clicking on the following link:

Experience 0 à 3 ans
Fonctions Gestion de projets/programmes
Secteurs d’activité Santé
Pays Moyen Orient, Syrie
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Date de fin de validité 15/11/2019