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Call for Applications: Increasing Civil Society Organization (CSO) Resiliency in Changing Civic Spaces


Call for Applications: Increasing Civil Society Organization (CSO) Resiliency in Changing Civic Spaces

Deadline: 1 November 2019

PartnersGlobal, in partnership with the CIVICUS Network and other consortium members with support from USAID, is seeking applications from local civil society organizations interested in strengthening their resiliency in the face of potential impacts of growing restrictions on civic freedoms of association, assembly, and expression.

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Goals: The Resiliency+ Process will take selected organizations through a structured assessment and capacity building process to increase their organizational resilience over a period of 12 months. Participating organizations will have a better understanding of their internal organizational vulnerabilities and will be able to identify and mitigate potential external threats impeding growth, endangering staff and reducing sustainability.

Selected organizations will be paired with a Resiliency Coach who will provide ongoing accompaniment. They will co-design a process with the coach’s guidance to prioritize their top resiliency threats and will receive targeted technical assistance to increase their resiliency in those factors identified as most critical.

The Resiliency+ Framework and Process was born out of the need for a new organizational model. The first of its kind, the Framework provides a nuanced understanding of how civil society organizations and actors operate, adapt, and thrive in response to multi-faceted and multi-dimensional changes to sociopolitical-economic dynamics.

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Eligibility Criteria

  • To be eligible for consideration, an organization must have at least three years of operational experience, since the Resiliency+ Process provides tailored resiliency support and assumes a certain level of general organizational development.
  • Organizations based in Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Serbia, and Senegal are eligible to apply.
  • Additionally, it is vital for each applicant organization to commit to dedicating staff time to this intensive accompaniment process.
  • The R+ approach involves a small team of staff from different functional teams from applicants organization who will participate in the assessment and capacity building activities over a period of 12 months.

Selected organizations must demonstrate civic space factors affecting their daily work, such as legal environment restrictions, financial constraints, negative narratives about civil society, and fragmentation of civil society. A diversity of organizations will be considered, including but not limited to rural/urban, male/female-led, and small/large. Finally, organizations seen as having the potential to be a multiplier in the civil society sector (network membership, function as intermediary support organizations, other roles), will be given preference. Organizations of various types and thematic focus are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

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Interested applicants can apply via given website.

For more information, please visit