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Bowling Green Community Foundation’s Grants Program (United States)


Bowling Green Community Foundation’s Grants Program (United States)

Deadline: 20-Oct-20

The Bowling Green Community Foundation, Inc is seeking applications for its Grant Program 2020 to enrich the quality of life for individuals and families in the city of Bowling Green.

1000 new grants and donors
In 2020, The Bowling Green Community Foundation, Inc. will be making grants to nonprofit organizations for programs and activities beginning January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. The grant distribution region includes the Bowling Green zip code of 43402 and 43403 and school district areas.

Funding Information

Applications may be submitted in the range of $500 to $5,000, thereby allowing numerous organizations to benefit.
The Bowling Green Community Foundation will place priority consideration on proposals which:

View and receiving grant information
Propose creative, first-time projects or programs for the community.
Encourage more efficient use of community resources.
Promote collaboration, coordination, cooperation, and sharing among organizations.
Test or demonstrate new approaches and techniques in the solution of community problems.
Represent a unique and unduplicated opportunity and meet a significant community need.
Propose a specific program in detail.
Generate matching funds, thus leveraging additional support.
Include a concise plan for sustainability for the project once Foundation funds are expended.
The Bowling Green Community Foundation will NOT make grants from its unrestricted funds to:

Duplicate 2019 approved grant requests.
Support the general operating budget of established organizations.
Fund expenses for travel, room, and board.
Support annual or capital campaigns.
Support sectarian activities of religious organizations.
Support projects already completed.
Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, an organization must provide services to residents of the city of Bowling Green.
Grants will only be awarded to tax-exempt organizations classified as 501 (c)(3) charities by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
If a program does not have a tax-exempt ruling from the IRS you may still apply for a grant if you have a tax-exempt fiscal sponsor.
For more information, visit