togopapel Publicité 2 doingbuzz echowebafrique asso afritogo

Action contre la faim recrute 01 health and nutrition program manager


Action contre la faim recrute 01  health and nutrition program manager

Under the supervision of the Area Coordinator, the Nutrition and Health project manager will be in charge of the proper implementation and completion of complex humanitarian emergency response project implemented over several geographical locations throughout all its different phases as well as the appropriate management of its specific scope, schedule, resources, quality, risks, representation, coordination, and contractual requirements.

More precisely who will be in charge to  : 

. Ensure efficient, effective, quality and timely implementation of the entire project

    • Support the project team to adapt/ develop and monitor the implementation of the detailed Project Implementation Plan (PIP)
    • Finalize and manage the Project Scope Documents (PSDs) such as Project Procurement plan, Monitoring, and evaluation plan, Work Breakdown Structure, and ensure regular update of these documents
  • Initiate/oversee needs and technical assessments and analysis, as well as preparing the follow-up reports in coordination with the M&E Co and DCDs;
  • Regular field visits to monitor the activities and their quality in compliance with proposals and in liaison with M&E department
  • Identify and assign additional activities as required in coordination with the technical departments

. Manage and develop the project team

    • Ensure staff are aware of and operating by humanitarian principles and other codes of conduct
    • Identify need-based training and work with the HR team to develop, plan and implement relevant training plans for each team member
  • Facilitate cross-program learning through joint review and planning with other departments
  • Define objectives, update staff job descriptions and facilitate regular performance appraisals with support of the HR team

. Maintain comprehensive records and report in a timely manner

    • Develop a data collection and entry plan complete with tools and timeline that is integrated into the PSDs and PIPs in line with the M&E structure and strategy.;
    • Produce weekly, monthly and quarterly internal and external reports as requested;
  • Track the progress of activities and outcomes as well as ensuring the tracking of relevant indicators;

. Assist in wider organizational development through learning and proposal

  • Identify, examine and report in a proactive manner any areas of geographic or sectoral growth for the organization;

Contribute to overall project design, activity implementation guidelines, training development, and documentation

. Manage external relations related to the project 

  • Represent ACF in external meetings as requested;
  • Prepare and share minutes and clear action points of meetings/training attended;
  • Coordinate with relevant UN agencies, government authorities, and any other stakeholders to ensure support for the Project and the wider organization;
  • Support Field Coordinator in liaising regularly with authorities and community representatives in relations to ACF programming and positioning;
  • Represent ACF programs when and if necessary vis-a-vis donors during their field visits and other meetings;



Starting date : January 2020

Duration : 12 months to 33 months (duration of the project)

Status: Gross monthly salary ranging from €2010 to €2335

Specific Allowance (12% Gross Salary) is granted for this position

Food and hygiene expenses, per diem, transportation costs, collective or individual accommodation, medical insurance

25 days of annual paid leaves and 20 days of rest and recuperation (R&R) per year