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Welthungerhilfe recruits 01 Country Director South Sudan


Welthungerhilfe recruits 01 Country Director South Sudan



Juba, Soudan du Sud
Are you aiming to work for an organization where it is worthwile investing your personality, your skills and your time? Are you looking for a job that is exciting and has clear goals? Welcome to Welthungerhilfe!
We are one of the largest and most respected private organisations for development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Germany. As a politically and confessionally independent organisation, our value-oriented actions are always based on ethical principles. Our vision is clear: « Zero Hunger by 2030 » – If you want to become part of this joint mission and support us in the fight against hunger worldwide, we look forward to receiving your application as:
Country Director South Sudan*
in Juba
The position is to be filled as soon as possible, with an initial contract duration of one year. There are good prospects for an extension. Employment location will be Juba, South Sudan.
As Country Director in South Sudan, you are expected to create a work environment based on trustful cooperation both within the team in South Sudan and with all relevant stakeholders at headquarters. The Representation in South Sudan in technical working groups is essential to be acknowledged as a player in the country and support an aligned planning of programmes and projects. Project implementation is constantly endangered by a tight security situation and a constantly changing context. This needs a lot of stragtegic as well as pragmatic guidance and a clear communication with HQ and donors.
Your responsibilities
• Represent Welthungerhilfe and coordinate the project concept and planned project activities with local decision-makers, partner organisations and other aid agencies and development organisations operating in the project area
• Prepare planning documents for project follow-on phases and for new projects in the country
• Ensure proper country program structures and processes that reflect decentralisation
• Identify other potential partner organisations; develop joint strategies and project ideas
• Select and recruit national experts
• Manage and instruct international and national experts
• Ensure the proper planning of financial and material resources as well as regular reporting to the Regional Directorate and the co-financiers
• Warrant the required flow of information and public transparency of the project work in the country of deployment
• Support marketing and press communication on humanitarian situation in South Sudan upon request
Your profile
• A university or polytechnic degree in the fields of agricultural sciences, engineering, rural development, or a comparable level of qualifications
• At least 5 to 7 years project and management experience in carrying out co-financed projects of international (aid) agencies, preferably in the region
• Coordination and organisational skills – even under a high workload
• Ability to work in a multinational team
• Excellent communication skills and intercultural sensibility
• A very good command of written and spoken English. German and Arabic language skills would be an asset
Our offer
We offer you the opportunity to work in a responsible and interesting field as part of an extremely dedicated team. Welthungerhilfe attaches great importance to the personal and professional development of its employees and the balance of their work and private life. This includes flexible working hours as well as working from home. Remuneration is based on our gender-independent salary scale. In addition, Welthungerhilfe offers numerous other benefits, which are listed under « Our benefits ».
Please send your application via our online recruiting system by November 10, 2019. Your contact person is Carolin Moellenbeck.
*We welcome applications from all people, regardless of gender, confession, or origin. In case of equal qualification, people with disabilities will be given preferential consideration.