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UNICEF recruits 01 National WASH Consultant


UNICEF recruits 01 National WASH Consultant (Accelerated Sanitation and Water for All (ASWA II) Project)


Aweil, South Sudan
Humanitaire (ONG, Associations, …), Projet/programme de développement
National WASH Consultant (Accelerated Sanitation and Water for All (ASWA II) Project) – Aweil South Sudan
Job Number: 528709 | Vacancy Link
Locations: Africa: South Sudan
Work Type : Consultancy
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.
Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.
And we never give up.
For every child, access to safe water
Accelerated Sanitation and Water for All (ASWA II) intervention under Government of South Sudan (RoSS) -UNICEF WASH project, which is being implemented in 5 counties of South Sudan from November 2017 to December 2022. The key activities under ASWA II project are declaration and sustaining open defecation free environment, sanitation, and hygiene promotion through Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS)/Sanitation Marketing approaches; system strengthening, capacity development and scaling up drinking water safety through provision of safe water and development and implementation of Water Safety Plans (WSPs) for improving WASH facilities and improved WASH behaviour among the targeted communities, schools and health care facilities (HCF). State Directorate of rural water supply and sanitation in three states of former NBeG, Directorate sanitation), Education is two critical government partners who are implementing CLTS, Hygiene promotion, WSP, WASH in school using 3-stars approach and WASH in health care facilities with support from two implementing partners under UNICEF WASH project.
As part of the ASWA II intervention of ROSS-UNICEF WASH project, UNICEF is seeking the services of a national consultant to strengthening institutional capacity building for ODF verification and certification system, introduction of sanitation market development system during post ODF period in the targeted communities, site-specific appropriate design/drawings of WASH facilities for schools and HCF through capacity building of implementing agencies (States Directorate of Rural water and sanitation and NGOs) key staff, establishing operation and maintenance system for sustainability of the new WASH facilities provided from the project and local skill development.
Objectives of the assignment:
To analyse the constraint and bottleneck in the implementation of CLTS approach in terms of enabling environment, service delivery tools/approaches, sector coordination, capacity, monitoring mechanisms, financing, supply and creating a demand in general.
Support the implementation of evaluation recommendations and scaling up of acces to sustainable basic sanitation services in the project areas.
Specific Tasks:
Support the IP on ASWA ll information Management system, especailly collection, storage and reconciling of IP and UNICEF data to ensure effective data quality control
In collaboration with IP ensure that households in ODF villages have hand washing facilities and support the updating of hand washing facilities data in both UNICEF and IP databases.
Follow up and facilitate the discussion and signing and implementation of sustainability compact with the three states.
Support and facilitate development of guideline, roles and responsibilities of staff in monitoring of the ASWA II in each of the three states.
Ensure that the government partners understand ASWA II outcome indicators and how to monitor them.
Support the Government and partners on updating relevant ASWA II database.
Provide technical support to partners on retanetion of ODF villages and construction of durable sanitation/ hand washing facilities.
Facilitate updating of ASWA II M&E guideline to include ODF retention rate monitoring procedures and with outlined roles and responsibilities.
Ensure that IP shares ASWA II guidance notes with the key IP staff including the WASH Manager and M&E officer.
1. Detailed workplan for the assignment, including clear and measurable milestones
Establish and operationalize sanitation tasks force in 3 project counties at different level: County, Payams and Boma) and ensure that they are trained and disseminating CLTS massages, facilitating ODF verification exercises, conducting post triggering/ODF follow ups, acting as TOT to the IP key staff as well as capacity building of Rural water and sanitation committees.
2. TOT for the key IP staff on triggering processes, post triggering and ODF follow ups, ODF communities retention, quality latrine construction are provided and supportive docuements made available.
3. CLTS/ODF gudelines are operationalized accross the project areas and CLTS/ ODF database are consistent accross the programme (IPs, government and UNICEF).
4. Updated hand washing facilities data by IP and UNICEF, ensuring compliance with CLTS/ODF data management and promotion of Handwashing and scaling up construction of household latrines in all ASWAII project locations
5 IPs staff and community CLTS volunteer are trained on Sanitation Marketing (SanMarkS), quality assurance of implementation of the CLTS programme and monitoring.
6. The state government at all levels (state, county, payam &Boma) are understanding and articulates ASWA II output and outcome indicators, how to monitor them.
7. Sustainability compacts is developed, disseminated, signed and being implemented in all project areas
8. IP staff and state directorate counterparts are aware of the formation, functions and responsibilities of WSP team at the community level including Sanitary Inspection (SI), observation of water quality and its rollout at the community level in ASWA II project locations.
9. Learning/knowledge products, covering innovative approaches and good practices, to support overall ASWA II are in place
10. Synthesize, lessons learned are shared for knowledge development and capacity building of stakeholders.
11. Relevant ASWA ll databases are updated by the three state governments sustainability of ODF communities maintained through the ASWA ll project locations
12.The consultancy will be required to conduct frequent field visit to project site to support implementing partners once a month.
13. Sustainability check assessment / midline baseline surveys are supported in the last quarter of 2020
14. Robust monitoring of ODF and post-ODF communities and data management systems are in place in three states in NBeG.
Payment term
Payment will be done monthly upon satisfactory delivery of key tasks and submission of monthly progress report
General Conditions:
Terms of payment: Monthly payment upon submission of a monthly report detailing the completed deliverables for that month.
Note that final payment to a consultant is dependent on the submission of consultancy final reports.
In additional to consultancy fees, the consultant will be entitled for the applicable DSA and travel cost upon travelling to the project site outside of Aweil Town.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
An advanced university degree (Master’s) in Civil Engineering, Water and Sanitation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Public Health, and Social science.
At least 10 years’ experience in the development field, preferably in the water and sanitation sector;
Strong field implementation experience of the water supply, sanitation, faecal sludge, and waste management in rural, peri-urban and urban areas in South Sudan;
Extensive experience in organizing and facilitating training/meeting/workshop /seminar/WASH BAT analysis
Knowledge of public health and one or more other relevant areas (e.g.: behaviour change, health promotion, community development, education, etc.)
Experience and understanding of hygiene promotion and community mobilisation in relation to water, sanitation and hygiene activities
Strong experience in Monitor and evaluation of WASH programme
Knowledge and information about the local context, the capacity of the local NGOs on WASH and capacities of various stakeholders, would be considered an asset;
Have strong and in-depth knowledge in subject matter and related approaches;
Well convergent with the development programme aspect of water supply and sanitation;
Good written and spoken in English;
Computer skills especially in word processing, MS Excels, PowerPoint is preferred
Candidates should submit their financial proposal in their cover letter against UNICEF’s proposed TOR.
For every Child, you demonstrate…
UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.
UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
Closing Date Fri Jan 03 2020 21:55:00 GMT+0100 (Afr. centrale Ouest)