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UNICEF recruits 01 Education Specialist, P3


UNICEF recruits 01 Education Specialist, P3

Education Specialist, P3 Temporary Appointment (364 days), Tripoli, Libya # 523843
Job Number: 523843 | Vacancy Link
Locations: Middle East and North Africa: Libya
Work Type : Temporary Appointment
The volatile situation in Libya continues to displace children and disrupt education access for an estimated 343,176 Libyan IDPs and migrant and refugee school age children. Children’s access to education is hindered due to conflict, displacement and legal status. Despite these challenges, the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) 2019 also highlighted that access to education remains one of the key priorities for returnees, where education is perceived to support the resumption of normalcy in children’s lives. Migrants and refugee children particularly from Sub-Saharan African face the most difficulty in accessing education, as they prevented from enrolling due to legal status and documentation. Those children that do attend the schools are often discriminated against and face insurmountable language and cultural barriers. Beyond the primary level, most non-Libyan adolescents and youth have no pathway to continue their education. Violence in school remains a paramount issue for all children and young people in Libya. Harassment, bullying and violence push children to drop out from school, leaving children exposed to a myriad of protection concerns.
Yet despite the complex context of Libya, the country continues to maintain a high gross enrolment rate of 86.8% among Libyan children, however, this does not capture whether children are starting school at the correct age now does it correspond to regular attendance. Regular attendance of children is disrupted due to key issues which include (a) access to education for the most vulnerable groups; (b) critical gaps in the quality of education producing low learning outcomes, high levels of violence in schools, limitations in the enabling environments (particularly in conflict affected communities), and (c) the education system is limited by a significant evidence and information gap. This is due to the lack of a functional education management information system (EMIS) in addition to security challenges related to access to conduct nationwide assessments of the education sector, especially that for out of school children.
Furthermore, many conflict-affected children are suffering from psychosocial distress or trauma, which affects their ability to learn and develop to their fullest potential. As per an unpublished UNICEF study , 66.87% of children reported being subject to physical violence perpetrated by teachers in formal schools. Furthermore, limits to the physical enabling environment is detrimental to children accessing quality education. Many schools lack gender-sensitive WASH facilities which may impact regular attendance of adolescent girls in school. According to the UNICEF study on water quality of Libyan schools, 67% percent of surveyed schools have limited drinking water, 10% of the schools were contaminated with harmful bacteria and 31% of schools tested positive for high levels of nitrates.
Under the guidance and general supervision of the Chief, Education Section, the Education in Emergencies Specialist will support the education section as a whole and lead the Education in Emergencies (EiE) component of the Libya country programme. The Specialist provides technical guidance and management support throughout the programming processes to facilitate the administration and achievement of results on education programs to improve learning outcomes and equitable and inclusive education, especially for children who are marginalized, disadvantaged and excluded in society.
Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Education, the Education in Emergencies Specialist will contribute to achievement of results according to plans, allocation, results based-management approaches and methodology (RBM) and UNICEF’s Strategic Plans, standards of performance and accountability framework through:
Support to program development and planning:
1. Support the preparation/design and conduct/update of situation analysis for the education programs/projects and/or sector to ensure that current comprehensive and evidence-based data on education issues are available to guide UNICEF’s strategic policy advocacy, intervention and development efforts on education programs and to set priorities, strategies, design and implementation plans.
2. Participate in strategic program discussion on the planning of education programs. Formulate, design and prepare programs/projects proposal for the sector, ensuring alignment with the overall UNICEF’s Strategic Plans and Country Program and coherence/integration with UN Strategic Framework (UNSF), regional strategies and national priorities, plans and competencies.
3. Establish specific goals, objectives and strategies and implementation plans for the sector/s using results-based planning terminology and methodology (RBM). Prepare required documentations for program review and approval.
4. Work closely and collaboratively with internal and external colleagues and partners to discuss strategies and methodologies and to determine national priorities/competencies to ensure the achievement of concrete and sustainable results.
5. Provide technical and operational support throughout all stages of programming processes and to ensure integration, coherence and harmonization of programs/projects with other UNICEF sectors and achievement of results as planned and allocated.
Program management, monitoring and delivery of results:
1. Participate in monitoring and evaluation exercises, program reviews and annual reviews with government and other counterparts to assess progress and to determine required action/interventions to achieve results.
2. Prepare/assess monitoring and evaluation reports to identify gaps, strengths/weaknesses in program and management, identify lessons learned and use knowledge gained for development planning and timely intervention to achieve goals.
3. Actively monitor programs/projects through field visits, surveys and/or exchange of information with partners/stakeholders to assess progress, identify bottlenecks and potential problems and take timely decisions to resolve issues and/or refer to relevant officials for timely resolution.
4. Monitor and verify the optimum/appropriate use of sectoral program resources (financial, administrative and other assets) confirming compliance with organizational rules, regulations/procedures and donor commitments, standards of accountability and integrity and ensuring timely reporting and liquidation of resources.
5. Prepare regular/mandated program/project reports for management, donors and partners to keep them informed of program progress.
Technical and operational support to program implementation:
1. Provide technical guidance and operational support to government counterparts, NGO partners, UN system partners and country office partners/donors on interpretation, application and understanding of UNICEF policies, strategies, processes and best practices and approaches on education and related issues to support program management, implementation and delivery of results.
2. Arrange/coordinate availability of technical experts with Regional Office/HQ to ensure timely/appropriate support throughout the programming/projects process.
3. Participate in education program meetings including program development and contingency planning to provide technical and operational information, advice and support.
4. Draft policy papers, briefs and other strategic program materials for management use, information and/or consideration.
Networking and partnership building:
1. Build and sustain effective close working partnerships with relevant government counterparts, national stakeholders and global partners/allies/donors/academia through active networking, advocacy and effective communication to build capacity, exchange knowledge/expertise and to reinforce cooperation to achieve sustainable and broad results on education programs.
2. Prepare communication and information materials for CO program advocacy to promote awareness, establish partnership/alliances and support fund raising for education programs.
Innovation, knowledge management and capacity building:
1. Apply/introduce innovative approaches and good practice to build the capacity of partners and stakeholders and to support the implementation and delivery of concrete and sustainable program results.
2. Keep abreast, research, benchmark and implement best practices in education management. Assess, institutionalize and share best practices and knowledge learned.
3. Contribute to the development and implementation of policies and procedures to ensure optimum efficiency and efficacy of sustainable programs and projects.
4. Organize and implement capacity building initiatives to enhance the competencies of clients/stakeholders to promote sustainable results on education and related programs/projects.
Academic qualifications: An Advanced University Degree in education, economics, psychology, sociology or other social science field is required. Basic degree and years of experience may be considered in lieu of advanced degree*
Work experience: A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in social development planning and management in education and related areas at the international level, some of which preferably in a developing country and emergency context is required. Relevant experience in a UN system agency or organization is an asset.
Language experience: Fluency in English and Arabic required
Competency Profile: (For details on competencies please refer to the UNICEF Professional Competency Profiles.)
Core values: Commitment, Diversity and Inclusion, Integrity
ii) Core Competencies (Required)
Communication, Working with People, Drive for Results.
ii) Functional Competencies (Required)
Planning and Organizing, Formulating Strategies and Concepts, Relating and Networking, Analysing, Applying Technical Expertise, Creating and Innovating
iii) Technical knowledge (Required)
• Rights-based and Results-based approach and programming in UNICEF
• UNICEF programme policy, procedure and guidelines.
• Mid-term Strategic Plan
“UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.”
The selected candidate must join within 31 days of receiving the offer.
Closing Date Sat Jul 20 2019 21:55:00 GMT+0100 (Afr. centrale Ouest)