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Community Operational Grant Program in Australia

Community Operational Grant Program

Deadline: 30-Jun-22

The Hume City Council is inviting applications for the Community Operational Grant program to support the day-to-day operational activities of community groups who are working on ongoing projects that help improve health, wellbeing and connection in the community.

Funding Information
Grant Amount: Up to $1,500.
Incorporation fees
Insurance costs
Catering (small-scale ongoing catering, such as tea/coffee, not catering for one-off events)
Room hire fees
Small equipment purchases up to $1,500 (eg small sporting equipment for sporting clubs, kitchen equipment for social groups, gardening tools, musical equipment, laptops to support local groups, books and resources to young children)
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
Be a not-for-profit community group or organization
Meet in Hume and/or show that the grant will substantially benefit residents of Hume
Provide quotes for items (eg insurance, room hire, electronics and other equipment)
Have no outstanding debts with Hume City Council
Have satisfactorily acquitted previous funding received by Hume City Council, if applicable
Be incorporated or auspiced
To be eligible, equipment cannot be fixed/permanent items. Equipment ownership must be retained by the group ie if a group purchases a laptop for the treasurer to use, and the treasure retires, the laptop must be returned to the group.
For more information, visit https://www.hume.vic.gov.au/Your-Council/Grants-awards-and-funds/Community-Grants-Program


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