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Golden Heart Community Foundation (GHCF) Grant Program


Golden Heart Community Foundation (GHCF) Grant Program


The Golden Heart Community Foundation (GHCF), an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF), seeks applications from qualified, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations (or equivalents, such as Tribal entities, schools, and faith-based organizations) that support charitable organizations and programs in the Fairbanks/North Pole area.

1000 new grants and donors
Funding Information

Golden Heart Community Foundation Grant awards are expected to range between $500-$2,500.
Eligibility Criteria

Applications will be accepted from qualified, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations (or equivalents, such as Tribal entities, schools, and faith-based organizations) that support charitable organizations and programs in the Fairbanks/North Pole area. Grants may support a broad range of community needs including, but not limited to health and wellness, education, the great outdoors, arts and culture, and community development.
Golden Heart Community Foundation Grant projects must be completed within one year of award and are subject to the grantee completing an online grant agreement signifying acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant. A final grant report must also be submitted online by the assigned due date.
Evaluation Criteria

View and receiving grant information
The Golden Heart Community Foundation Committee is composed of a volunteer Advisory Board and other community members. The committee strives to facilitate a competitive process that is fair and transparent, and all eligible applications are reviewed and evaluated using a scoring matrix by each committee member.
Preference will be given to applications that have the potential to impact a broad range of Fairbanks/North Pole area residents. Applications should detail measurable and achievable outcomes, and demonstrate other sources of support, collaboration, and/or cooperation.
Evaluation criteria for Golden Heart Community Foundation include, but are not limited to the overall merit of the project, the ability of the organization to successfully complete the project, the clarity, and measurability of the project’s goal, the feasibility of the time frame given for completion of the project, and the number of people served.
For more information, visit