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Finn Church Aid recruits 01 Education Specialist


Finn Church Aid recruits 01 Education Specialist

Finn Church Aid is seeking an Education Specialist for the Central African Republic country programme. The Education Specialist is responsible for the development, planning, management and monitoring of FCA’s education programme and projects in CAR. Qualified and interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic affiliation are encouraged to apply for the vacancy.

Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Lead education programme and project development and planning;
    • Ensure communication, networking and partnership building with relevant stakeholders and donors;
  • Provide methodological, technical and operational support to programme and project implementation;
  • Ensure programme and project management, monitoring and compliance with organizational rules, regulations/procedures, donors commitments and quality & accountability standards;
  • Contribute to innovation, knowledge management and capacity building.

Competence and Personal Requirements:

  • Master degree in education or other relevant field;
  • At least 3 years professional experience in humanitarian project management (PMER), including financial management;
  • Experience of implementing education projects including WASH and school construction/rehabilitation in a post-conflict context;
  • Good understanding of humanitarian approaches and standards (CHS, Sphere, INEE), and gender issues;
  • Experience in cooperating and networking with LNGOs, INGOs, Governmental Institutions, Local Authorities and UN Agencies;
  • Highly motivated, results-oriented, and creative in problem-solving;
  • Proven team orientation skills and ability to work effectively with both technical and non-technical staff;
  • Excellent inter-personal and inter-cultural skills;
  • Flexible and capable of working and living in challenging conditions in a multicultural environment;
  • Fluent in oral and written English and French;
  • Valid international driving license.

The fixed-term contract for the position will be made until 31st December 2020, starting as soon as possible. The position is based in Berberati, Central African Republic.

For more information, please contact Zaïre Lwango, CAR Country Director, zaire.lwango (at)

Finn Church Aid (FCA) is Finland’s largest development co-operation organisation and the second biggest organisation in Finland working in humanitarian aid. FCA is a founding member of the international aid alliance of churches, ACT Alliance. We seek positive change by supporting the most vulnerable people in fragile contexts. We specialize in supporting local communities’ right to peace, livelihoods and quality education.