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Call for Proposals: Prevention and Preparedness for Cross-border Risks


Call for Proposals: Prevention and Preparedness for Cross-border Risks

Deadline: 5 March 2020

European Commission is seeking proposals for its “Prevention and Preparedness for Cross-border Risks”.


Priority 1: Developing cross-border risk assessments: Without a risk assessment which takes into account cross-border risks, risk management will only partially address the risks a country faces.

  • In particular, project activities and outputs should lead to the achievement of up to two (2) of the following outcomes:
    • Cross-border risk assessments for identified cross-border risks are developed;
    • Joint data/information-sharing tools or platforms are established;
    • A network of competent authorities at national and sub-national level for specific risks is established;
    • Cross-border risk management plans or action plans for one or more risks (identified in a cross-border risk assessment) are developed.
  • Examples of project activities and outputs to be funded include, among others:
    • Risk assessment report including, where appropriate, analytical products preparatory to a risk assessment, such as cross-border hazard assessments, cross-border risk scenarios, cross-border vulnerability analysis, risk mapping, etc.;
    • Agreements, working procedures, methodologies, etc., required to establish a functioning cross-border network of competent authorities at national and sub-national level for specific risks;
    • Open source IT platforms for data/information-sharing, including, where relevant, common methodologies on disaster loss data collection across borders;
    • Specific cross-border action plans for the management of cross-border risks identified in joint risk assessments.

Priority 2: Enhancing cross-border emergency management: The need for collaboration in the field of disaster management arises when capacities of affected regions and communities are exceeded and assistance from bordering communities is required. Especially in border areas, assistance can be required from communities in neighbouring countries in order to provide citizens with quickly deployable, reliable and efficient emergency services.

  • In particular, project activities and outputs should lead to the achievement of up to two (2) of the following outcomes:
    • The understanding of the institutional and legislative context of emergency management in neighbouring country/ies is enhanced;
    • Existing gaps to cross-border emergency response are identified;
    • Cross-border interoperability (e.g. of civil protection modules or other response capacities) is strengthened;
    • Cross-border response plans are developed/improved, including Host nation support;
    • Cross-border operational collaboration in disaster response is tested and strengthened.
  • Examples of project activities and outputs to be funded include, among others:
    • Analysis of legal/institutional aspects of cross-border cooperation and mutual assistance:
    • Gap and needs analyses for cross-border preparedness;
    • Host nation support guidelines with specific cross-border aspects;
    • Risk management capability assessments for cross-border areas;
    • Cross-border training programmes tailored to local/regional needs;
    • Agreements and memoranda of understanding regarding cooperation and mutual assistance in emergency management;
    • Technical specifications for development or enhancement of cross-border communication tools (e.g. radio communication) ;
    • Design and realisation of joint cross-border small-scale exercises for previously identified risks.

Funding Information

Topic 1: Prevention and Preparedness for Cross Border Risks

  • Internal budget: EUR 2 000 000 for projects targeting Member States.
  • External budget: EUR 1 000 000 for projects targeting IPA beneficiaries not participating in the Mechanism, European Neighbourhood Policy countries and Member States.

Eligibility Criteria

For proposals submitted under the internal budget:

  • In order to be eligible for a grant, the participants must:
    • Be legal persons;
    • Belong to one of the following categories: private entities, public entities, or international organisations;
    • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the other applicants, i.e. not acting as an intermediary;
    • Be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
      • Member States , including Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).
  • For proposals submitted under the external budget:
    • In order to be eligible for a grant, the participants must:
      • Be legal persons;
      • Belong to one of the following categories: private entities, public entities, or international organisations;
      • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the other applicants, i.e. not acting as an intermediary;
      • Be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
        • Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) beneficiaries not participating in the UCPM: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo;
        • European Neighbourhood Policy countries: East (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and South (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia);
        • Member States, including Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).

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