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Call for Applications: Women2030 Sub-Grants in Ghana


Call for Applications: Women2030 Sub-Grants in Ghana


Deadline: 16 February 2020

Applications are hereby invited from interested civil society and community-based organizations for the Women2030 seed-grants in Ghana.

10+ Funders for Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
10+ Global Donors for Improving Lives of Children in Poor Countries
10+ Donors that believe in building NGO capacities for Civil Society Development
15+ Donors for Saving the Planet: Grants for Environment, Conservation and Wildlife
Women Environmental Programme calls for applications from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to support the implementation of activities under her European Union (EU)-supported project titled: Women CSOs networking to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as women2030.


The overall objective of this project is to build capacity of women’s and gender civil society organizations to advance local, national and regional gender-responsive sustainable development policies (2030 Agenda & climate), through participation in policy development and monitoring, mobilizing citizen’s support and demonstrating best practices.

20+ Donors standing up for Human Rights and Equality
10+ International Donors seeking to improve Access to Water, Hygiene and Sanitation
20+ Global Donors for Empowering Women and Girls
25+ Donors for the Empowerment of Youth

The CSOs are to use this seed-grants to design and implement initiatives that will contribute to the realization of the SDGs. The initiatives should be designed using one or a combination of the following categories:

Participatory community activities for gender equality and/or sustainable development
Policy monitoring, dialoging with policy makers
Educational and awareness raising activities on gender and/or sustainable development
Networking, information and communication, movement building

Demonstrating equitable and sustainable solutions and services
Gender specific trainings and monitoring, women leadership trainings
Tracking SDG/climate policies and budgets (gender responsive budgets and audits)
Social media campaign and mainstream media activities
Note: Initiatives whose primary focus is only awareness raising and workshops will not be accepted. Priority will be given to initiatives that aims to influence policies in favour of women, demonstrate sustainable solution and services and ensure gender responsive budgets where women’s needs are integrated.

Funding Information

The maximum amount for each initiative is 1,000 EUR.
The duration of the initiatives should be between 2 to 12 months.
Eligibility Criteria

CSOs can be women’s and feminist organizations, or other Civil Society Organizations which aim to ensure gender equality and women’s empowerment in their work
CSOs must have participated in the National Training on Gender and SDGs or other activities of the women2030 project.
CSOs may be national organizations but must have offices and working in the locations they apply to work in
This call is limited only to organizations in Ghana
How to Apply

Sample Proposals
Organizations who meet the above criteria should download the application form given on the website.
Applications must respond to the areas of the assignment or will be rejected.
All applications should be submitted in MS word format with the following attachments – certificate of registration, letter of reference and track record of activities.
Application should not be more than 5 pages (excluding attachments).
For more information, visit