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Action Contre la Faim recruits 01 Consultant for comparative study


Action Contre la Faim recruits 01 Consultant for comparative study


Action against Hunger (AAH) is currently implementing humanitarian multi-sectoral emergency response services with the support from the American people through USAID/Food for Peace (FFP) to vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host community members affected by the insecurity in Borno State, North-Eastern Nigeria across 2  targeted Local government Areas (Maiduguri Municipal Council (MMC) and Jere).


The objective of the project is to improve household food security of IDPs, returnees and the most vulnerable individuals affected by conflict and insecurity especially of women and children through integrated cash transfer schemes and behavior change interventions.  The AAH/FFP intervention (Porridge mum) is expected to address a total of 1,500 pregnant women, lactating mothers with children under two years of age with most urgent food and nutritional intake needs.

The porridge mum aims to provide a platform for pregnant and lactating mothers of children under five years old to learn about and discuss issues related to IYCF, with particular emphasis on increasing their knowledge on how to prepare nutritious foods from available local resources; promote breastfeeding practices; and personal and household hygiene as well as health-seeking behaviors. Following the experience and learnings from the ongoing Porridge Mums activities, the project has been continuing the activity in a modified format in an attempt of promoting optimal and positive IYCF practices. It contributes to the improvement of nutritional status, growth, health, and survival of infants and young children through education and counseling sessions focusing on optimal breastfeeding, complementary feeding, health-seeking behavior and community hygiene and WASH practices.



Objectives of the study

The main purpose of the consultation is to conduct comparative costing analysis. Comparative costing study of the porridge mum activities to compare with wet feeding interventions as well as the monthly MUAC screening will be undertaken.


Specific Objectives/research questions

  1. Develop comparative costing tools and undertake costing analysis of selected activities associated with costing data collection,
  2. Conduct retrospective comparative cost analysis compares the costs and outcomes of two or more activities Porridge Mum, OTP/SC, and Monthly MUAC screening
  • Advise on potential opportunities for nutrition intervention in our implementing area apart from the current strategy.




  • Qualified nutritionist or economist with extensive experience in MYCN and cost analysis experience especially in a complex emergency context
  • Excellent analytical and statistical skills.
  • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English
  • Experience of establishing strong working relationships with colleagues from different functions and cultures.
  • Ability to work on own initiative and to meet deadlines.
  • Excellent reporting and data consolidation skills.
  • Willingness and ability to travel within Borno state.
  • Has previous experience in similar assessments


  • Previous experience in Northeast Nigeria mainly Borno State



All interested consultants should send expression of interest electronically before 22nd November 2019 to: [email protected] in order to receive the full ToR with Email subject: 031-00677-Porridge Mom Comparative Costing Study.


Proposal without request of the full ToR will not accepted.

Experience 0 à 3 ans
Fonctions Gestion de projets/programmes
Secteurs d’activité Santé, Alimentation / Nutrition
Pays Afrique, Nigeria
Date de fin de validité 22/11/2019