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Médecins du Monde Belgique recruits 01 Cultural mediator


Médecins du Monde Belgique recruits 01 Cultural mediator (Arabic or Persian) – Bosnia and Hercegovina



Doctors of the World is an international medical development NGO which is part of an international network. We provide medical assistance to vulnerable groups in Belgium and the rest of the world.

We aim for universal health coverage where every person has access to care, without barriers (financial, cultural, geographic, etc.).

In Belgium and around the world, our projects are intended for all people who have no or restricted access to health care. In particular, they are structured along five axes: people on the margins of society (homeless or paperless people, drug users, sex workers, etc.); children in vulnerable situations; women (accompanied in their fight for equality and against sexual violence for example); migrants or displaced persons and victims of crises or conflicts.

Doctors of the World is currently active in Belgium and eleven other countries: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Congo, Tunisia, Haiti, Niger, Slovenia, Mali, Greece, Morocco and Libya.

To carry out our mission, we base our work on three pillars:

  • Caring: organizing real access to care for people.
  • To accompany change: more than to help, we want to change things in the long run.
  • Testify: we do not remain silent. Thanks to our experience and our presence on the ground, we challenge the people in power (local, regional and (inter) national) with facts, figures and realities.

Our projects rely on a series of values common to our entire organization: social justice, empowerment, independence, commitment and balance.


Founded in 1997 by the gynaecologist Marie Bruyns in 1997 “Médecins du Monde/Doctors of the World – Belgique (MdM-BE)” is an international medical development Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Brussels, Belgium that is part of the international MdM network. MdM-BE’s main activities/services are the provision of medical assistance to vulnerable groups in Belgium and the rest of the world. The MdM network is managing 439 programs in 80 countries. MdM’s vision is to ensure universal healthcare coverage globally, and that all persons have access to care without barriers (financial, cultural, geographic, etc.). MdM’s actions are based on the three pillars of the organization, which are: 1) Care (give people real access to healthcare without barriers), 2) Testimonies (gain facts about healthcare realities and disseminate them), 3) Sustainable change. The majority of our programs are mobile, meaning MdM goes where the most vulnerable people live (outreach), i.e. doing street work, visiting squats or camps and going to isolated villages. MdM-BE is currently active in Belgium and eleven other countries: Croatia, Bosnia-and-Herzegovina, Congo, Tunisia, Haiti, Niger, Mali, Greece, Morocco and Libya.

MdM-BE provides medico-psychosocial healthcare to asylum seekers in Croatia since August 2016. Based on this experience, the organisation decided to deploy its activities to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and since May 2019 as implementing partner of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), MdM-BE supports women and girls on the move through provision of MHPSS, SRH and GBV services in three Women and girls’ centers in Una Sana Canton (Bihać). From October 2019, MdM-BE plans to enhance its presence in the country through set-up of Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) programme covering four transit reception centres (TRCs) in Una Sana Canton and one TRC in Sarajevo Canton. For that purpose, MdM-BE is looking for Cultural mediators (Arabic or Persian) in Bosnia and Hercegovina.


Cultural mediator (Arabic or Persian) provides translation (Arabic or Persian-English/local language and vice versa) and supports all MHPSS activities conducted by MdM-BE in TRCs.

Cultural mediator is under the direct responsibility of the Field coordinator and Programme Manager. He/she works in close cooperation with psychologist and social worker.

More precisely, Cultural mediator (Arabic or Persian) must complete the following tasks:


  • Translation from Arabic or Persian to English/local language and vice versa of all relevant (MHPSS) activities organized by MdM in TRCs including: PSS empowerment activities (creative, recreational, teaching, etc.), psychoeducational group sessions; individual psychosocial support activities in TRCs (first consultation, psychosocial support (PSS) or counselling session, follow-up, crisis intervention, etc.); referrals (if needed).
  • Cultural mediator should put a special focus on supporting MHPSS team for identification of persons in need of more specialized, individual care.
  • Other translation tasks as needed.

Empowerment activities

  • Supporting organisation and facilitation of PSS empowerment activities (cultural, creative etc.) in temporary reception centres (TRCs) with other team members (with focus on specialized help to vulnerable persons)
  • Supporting preparation and organisation of psychoeducational group sessions (especially by outreaching persons in TRCs/informing them about sessions).
  • Provide other services as required.

This list is not exhaustive, and candidates must be flexible to take on additional tasks relating to this position as is validated by HQ and General Coordinator Balkans, based on identified and changing needs. The job position is located in Bihać, Velika Kladuša or Sarajevo (upon agreement) but the candidate should be prepared to travel frequently.

Cultural mediator (Arabic or Persian) must respect code of ethics adhering to principles of confidentiality and impartiality; as well as MDM-BE Charter of values.

Ville Una Sana Canton and Sarajevo Canton
Expériences / Formation du candidat Qualifications and Experience:

  • Prior experience in translation/interpretation, preferably with non-governmental or international organisations.
  • Previous experience with vulnerable groups and/or migrants and refugees and/or access to (mental) healthcare is an asset.
  • Previous experience in translation of MHPSS activities is a distinctive asset.
  • BA or MA is an asset.

Competencies, languages and other skills:

  • Written and spoken fluency in Arabic or Persian/English or Arabic or Persian/Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian;
  • Knowledge of some other refugee/migrant spoken language is an additional asset (eg. Urdu, Pashtu, Kurdish).
  • Excellent writing and oral skills.
  • Ability to handle effectively multiple tasks without compromising quality, team spirit and positive working relationships.
  • Ability to work autonomously and to work under pressure.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Fulfilling all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
  • Driving licence “B” category would be an asset.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.).
Experience 0 à 3 ans
Fonctions Communication
Secteurs d’activité Santé, Gestion crise / post-crise, Migration
Pays Europe, Bosnie-Herzégovine
Salaire / Indemnité Local contract

  • An enthralling job in a dynamic environment, within a team of professionals.
  • Job location: Una Sana Canton (5 positions) and Sarajevo Canton (2 positions), and other locations depending on evolution of situation.
  • Local contract: Full-time (40 hours weekly);
  • Duration: initial 6 months contract with possibility of extension.
Comment postuler


Please send your application (CV and motivation letter) to [email protected]  before 25/09/2019:

MdM-BE reserves the right to finalize a recruitment before the closing date of receipt of applications. Médecins du Monde is committed to people with disabilities and fights against all forms of discrimination. We inform you that the data concerning you are computerized; they will be treated confidentially. In the context of this application, your data are kept for a period of 6 months. Only persons authorized by our General Privacy Policy will be able to access your data for strictly internal purposes. Our privacy policy.

Date de fin de validité 25/09/2019