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World Food Programme recruits 01 Programme Policy Officer


World Food Programme recruits 01 Programme Policy Officer – School Feeding NOB

World Food Programme

Monrovia, Liberia
Programme Policy Officer – School Feeding NOB
Area of expertise : Programme & policy
Country : Liberia
Type of contract : Long term opportunities
WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles.
Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance.
The World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization fighting hunger worldwide, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. WFP assists over 80 million people in around 80 countries each year. In emergencies, WFP is often first on the scene, providing food assistance to the victims of war, civil conflict, drought, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, crop failures and natural disasters. When the emergency subsides, WFP helps communities rebuild shattered lives and livelihoods. WFP development projects focus on social protection and safety nets for the vulnerable through nutrition interventions, smallholder agricultural livelihood promotion and market support, school meals and investing in strengthening national capacities to develop and manage sustainable food and nutrition security programmes.
Through its support to school feeding programme in Liberia, WFP seeks to assist the Government of Liberia improve education outcomes by increase school enrollment and attendence and address the short-term food needs of schoolkids in public primary schools in counties where it operates. The programme also provides support to enhance government capacity to achieve its objectives as outlined in the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD). In line with the above, WFP is seeking to strengthen the management of its school feeding programme in Liberia through the recruitment of a Programme Policy Officer – School Feeding with the proven experience to support the Team in meeting its objectives.
• Minimum of eight years of relevant professional work experience in international development or humanitarian work. Knowledge of WFP programmes policies/procedures, in-depth knowledge of School Feeding, including the concept of Home Grown School Feeding.
Education :
• Post graduate degree in development studies, education, social sciences or first University degree with additional years of relevant work experience and/or training/courses.
• Fluency (level C) in English language. Intermediate knowledge of a second official UN language would be an added advantage.
These jobs are found in Headquarters (HQ), Regional Bureaux (RBs) or Country Offices (COs) and job holders report to a more senior Programme Policy Officer. Job holders operate with a high degree of independence, manage more junior staff to ensure that programme and policy objectives are achieved in full. They are usually involved in a wide variety of programme and policy activities and analytical work, some of which may be of a considerable complexity. At this level job holders are expected to contribute to performance improvement.
The Programme Policy Officer – School Feeding will be part of a team of dedicated and committed professional staff who will support WFP management in the implementation of School Feeding activities as outlined in the Country Strategic Plan (CSP 2019-2023). The Programme Policy Officer will work closely with the Government through the Ministry of Education to develop and implement a well-design strategy and transition plan for a government owned and management school feeding programme in Liberia with clear deliverables and timelines.
KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive)
1. Contribute towards the development of a wide variety of projects, plans and processes, ensuring alignment with wider programme policies and guidance.
2. Provide project management support to specific and defined programmes and projects of considerable size/complexity, ensuring a coordinated approach with wider programmes that complies with WFP standards and procedures.
3. Develop and coordinate data gathering and monitoring systems ensuring that rigorous quality standards are maintained.
4. Research and analyze a range of policy and operational issues to inform the development of policies, programmes and activities.
5. Contribute to the preparation of accurate and timely reporting on programmes and activities that enable informed decision making and consistency of information presented to stakeholders.
6. Liaise with internal and external counterparts to ensure effective collaboration, monitor ongoing projects and highlight potential risks to project delivery.
7. Support the identification, development and management of potential partnerships to collaborative working leading to improved food assistance packages.
8. Support the capacity building of WFP staff, partners and national government to prepare for and respond to food assistance needs, e.g. through providing inputs into training materials.
9. Guide and supervise more junior staff, acting as a point of referral and supporting them with analysis and queries.
10. Other duties as required.
• Understand and communicate the Strategic Objectives: Understands WFP’s Strategic Objectives and the link to own work objectives.
• Be a force for positive change: Flexibly adapts individual contributions to accommodate changes in direction from supervisors and internal/external changes (such as evolving needs of beneficiaries, new requirements of partners).
•  Make the mission inspiring to our team: Recognizes and shares with team members the ways in which individual contributions relate to WFP’s mission.
•  Make our mission visible in everyday actions: Sets own goals in alignment with WFP’s overall operations, and is able to communicate this link to others.
• Look for ways to strengthen people’s skills: Assesses own strengths and weaknesses to increase self-awareness, and includes these in conversations on own developmental needs.
•  Create an inclusive culture: Participates in open dialogue, and values the diverse opinion of others, regardless of background, culture, experience, or country assignment.
•  Be a coach & provide constructive feedback: Proactively seeks feedback and coaching to build confidence, and develop and improve individual skills.
•  Create an “I will”/”We will” spirit: Participates in accomplishing team activities and goals in the face of challenging circumstances.
• Encourage innovation & creative solutions: Shows willingness to explore and experiment with new ideas and approaches in own work.
•  Focus on getting results: Consistently delivers results within individual scope of work on time, on budget and without errors.
•  Make commitments and make good on commitments: Commits to upholding individual accountabilities and responsibilities in the face of ever-changing country or functional priorities.
•  Be Decisive: Makes rational decisions about individual activities when faced with uncertain circumstances, including in times of ambiguity regarding information or manager direction.
• Connect and share across WFP units: Seeks to understand and adapt to internal or cross-unit teams’ priorities and preferred working styles.
•  Build strong external partnerships: Demonstrates ability to understand and appropriately respond to and/or escalate needs of external partners.
•  Be politically agile & adaptable: Portrays an informed and professional demeanor toward internal and external partners and stakeholders.
•  Be clear about the value WFP brings to partnerships: Provides operational support on analyses and assessments that quantifies and demonstrates WFP’s unique value as a partner.
Capability Name Description of the behaviour expected for the proficiency level
Programme Lifecycle & Food Assistance Displays ability to identify the main hunger problem at the national or subnational level to design and implement context-specific programmes that integrate complex analysis and the full range of food assistance tools.
Transfer Modalities (Food, Cash, Voucher) Demonstrates ability to analyse and consolidate quantitative and qualitative information from different sources (e.g., market studies) to inform transfer modality selection and programme development.
Broad Knowledge of Specialized areas (i.e. Nutrition, VAM, etc.) Demonstrates the ability to interpret basic data in the context of WFP specialised fields to contribute to technical programme design, implementation and monitoring.
Emergency Programming Displays ability to translate understanding of programme principles in emergencies and protracted conflict situations into relevant, effective, and context specific approaches.
Strategic Policy Engagement w/ Government Develops thorough recommendations using multiple inputs (e.g., government counsel, research, own experience) to strengthen national or subnational entities and government owned food and nutrition security programmes.
Project Design and Coordination
• Contribute to the development of projects, concepts, plans and activities, ensuring alignment with wider programme policies and guidance
• Ensure overall coherence of the project, compliance with WFP policies and procedures and alignmnent with the SDGs, UNSDCF and Government priorities and goals as outlined in the PAPD.
• Prepare, monitor and implement MoU and Field Level Agreements (FLAs) as needed with government and partners as required to establish and maintain the School Feeding programme initiatives.
• In collaboration with WFP’s Programme and Finance Units, monitor and track the use of resources allocated for the implementation of School Feeding
• Provide input to the country office’s strategic engagement in the national policy agenda on education, Social Protection, agriculture and markets
• Support the Government develop a national school feeding budget in the Ministry of Education and conduct a high-level stakeholder advocacy within all branches of Government to support the inclusion of school feeding in the national budget.
• As part of effort to promote the implementation of a nationally owned and sustainable school feeding in Liberia, assist the government develop national guidelines on school feeding food basket and ration that takes into consideration local food to encourage local food production.
Monitoring & Evaluation
• In collaboration with VAM and M&E focal points, contribute to the design and implementation of the School Feeding monitoring and evaluation system.
• Lead effort to integrate programme reviews and evaluation results into the overall programme planning processes.
• Oversee the drafting of School Feeding inputs for the preparation and dissemination of periodic reports for various stakeholders including documents outlining current status, best practices, and lessons learnt.
• Work with the Government to develop a national accountability and feedback mechanism for school feeding to monitor and feedback on the management of the school feeding programme.
Partnerships and advocacy
• In collaboration with CO Partnership Officer, actively build and engage new partnerships with NGOs, CBOs, donors, farmers’ organizations, private sector representatives as well as Government authorities at all levels
• Coordinate with new and existing partners in the design and implementation of the project, ensuring that WFP’s activities are aligned with sectoral policies and plans.
• Develop capacity of government institutions and other partners through provision of training and other programme related support.
• Participate in key national and sub-national fora to advocate for School Feeding in Liberia
• Support the Government undertake a national school feeding dialogue with representatives from all government ministries to advocate for inclusion and anchoring of school feeding in their policy and strategic documents (Agriculture, Health, Nutrition, Gender, etc.)
• Experience building strategic partnerships in the management of national social protection schemes including but not limited to school feeding, institutional feeding programmes and other forms of social safety nets.
• Leading multi-functional and diverse teams.
• Management of complex humanitarian and development operations spanning a range of policies and programme initiatives.
• Cultivating constructive and sustainable relationships with national authorities, UN agencies, NGOs, donors and academia.
• Researching and developing recommendations for senior leaders on ways to improve WFP school feeding programme in Liberia
Female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply
WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.
No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service.