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The US Embassy in Senegal recruits 01 Economic Specialist


The US Embassy in Senegal  recruits 01 Economic Specialist

Salaire / mois
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Type contrat CDI
Expiration 25 Décembre 2019
Description de l’offre

The US Embassy in Senegal hiring an Economic Specialist.

Salary: 25,007,886 FCFA/year

Job description

Working in the Economic/Commercial section, the Economic Specialist provides research, analysis, and reporting for the Economic/Commercial Officer on a broad range of economic topics of relative complexity and technical difficulty, drawing on a variety of sources including a network of contacts. Employee is supervised by the Economic Officer.

Job requirements

Experience: A minimum of six years of progressively more responsible experience in economic research and analysis, commercial reporting, economic development, business or financial activities is required

Job knowledge: Must have in-depth knowledge of Senegal’s economic system, both public and private. Must have good working knowledge of local economy both formal and informal. Must have a sound grasp of U.S. foreign policy objectives and familiarity with key environment, science, technology and health issues.

Education Requirements:

-Bachelor’s Degree in economics, business administration, marketing or finance is required.


Language: level IV (fluent) reading /writing and speaking in English and French is required. Level III Wolof (Good working knowledge) of reading speaking and writing is required. (This may be tested).

Skills and abilities:
-Ability to carry out relatively complex research projects, provide critical analysis of economic data and prepare precise, well-written analytical reports.
– Interpersonal and communication skills are also essential for public outreach and cultivation of contacts. Must have a high degree of computer literacy and economic data analysis skill.
– Must be able to track, calculate, analyze, and manipulate economic data using Excel and other similar applications.
– Must be highly proficient at conducting online research using a variety of sources.
– Deep knowledge of Senegal’s political and social systems, and historical development.
– Familiarity with U.S. trade practices. Familiarity with computers, including Microsoft Word, – Excel, Power point and use of the Internet for communication and research.
– Must have high proficiency with Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, and Power Point. (This may be tested).

EEO: The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Qualifications: All applicants under consideration will be required to pass medical and security certifications.

Application deadline: 12/25/2019

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