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The Lady Neville Charity Grants for UK Grass-Roots Charitable Organisations

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The Lady Neville Charity Grants for UK Grass-Roots Charitable Organisations

Deadline: 22 March 2019

The Lady Neville Charity is inviting applications for its grant program with an aim to provide grants that will make a clear and significant contribution to grass-roots charitable organisations working in designated priority areas.


The charity was formally set up in 1978 following a bequest from Ralph Neville JP.

Priorities Area

Organisations applying must be working in at least one of the following three priority areas:

  1. Local Heritage projects which help local groups to conserve and restore their landmarks, landscape, traditions and culture
  2. Performing and Visual Arts Groups involved in undertaking a particular activity in any field in this area
  3. Any charitable activity taking place in communities where the Skinners’ Company has existing work or historical links.

Funding Information

Applicants may be able to apply for a one-off capital grant of up to £1,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Lady Neville Charity is pleased to welcome applications from registered charities or not-for-profit organisations in the UK whose total annual income is less than £100,000, and the total project cost is less than £10,000.
  • They do not accept applications from
    • individuals requesting sponsorship
    • organisations requiring revenue based assistance – staff salaries, general running costs, hire costs, consumables, workshops.
    • organisations delivering projects in hospital, nursing or residential care settings, or for medical research
    • organisations which have received a grant from the Lady Neville Charity within the last year
    • other grant-making charities

How to Apply

Applicants can download the applications forms via given website.

Eligible Country: UK

For more information, please visit