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Subventions à fort impact du PNUD pour de nouvelles et petites idées de projets | Octobre 2022

Subventions à fort impact du PNUD pour de nouvelles et petites idées de projets | Octobre 2022

Petite subvention du PNUD (60 000 USD et 125 000 USD) pour les ONG et les OSC

Date limite : 19 octobre 2022

L’adaptationL’Accélérateur d’innovation climatique du Fonds d’ (AFCIA) administré par le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) a ouvert son deuxième appel à propositions pour le financement de petites subventions. L’AFCIA cible un large éventail de bénéficiaires potentiels de financement, y compris les gouvernements, les organisations non gouvernementales, les groupes communautaires, les jeunes innovateurs et d’autres groupes vulnérables.

L’AFCIA fournira de petites subventions aux pays en développement pour soutenir l’innovation pour une adaptation efficace et à long terme au changement climatique et fait partie de la Facilité d’innovation du Fonds d’adaptation. L’objectif principal des subventions – 60 000 USD et 125 000 USD – est d’améliorer l’action climatique locale et d’accélérer la réalisation des objectifs définis dans l’Accord de Paris et les objectifs de développement durable, grâce à la mise en œuvre et à la diffusion de pratiques, d’outils, et technologiques.

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Appels d’offres : projet de renforcement des capacités pour les directions du gouvernorat de Kirkouk en Irak

Date limite : 13 octobre 22

Le PNUD vous demande de soumettre des propositions pour la fourniture d’un projet de renforcement des capacités pour les directions du gouvernorat de Kirkouk.

L’objectif principal est d’obtenir une proposition technique et financière d’un prestataire de services de renforcement des capacités expérimenté pour mener à bien le programme de formation environnementale. Le programme vise à améliorer la capacité du personnel gouvernemental dans diverses directions de la province de Kirkouk. Les principaux groupes cibles sont les employés officiels qui travaillent sur des projets d’infrastructure dans le gouvernorat de Kirkouk, notamment la Direction de l’environnement .

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Programme d’accélération BOOST x Kosovo : le défi vert du Kosovo

Date limite : 16 octobre 22

Avez-vous une solution innovante en réponse à ces crises environnementales, économiques , sociales et sanitaires qui peuvent les mettre sur une relance verte juste et inclusive ? Vous êtes une petite et moyenne entreprise (PME) qui souhaite renforcer sa résilience, mais qui manque de connaissances et de financement ? Postulez à l’appel ouvert et rejoignez le programme d’accélération BOOST x Kosovo pour faire passer rapidement vos solutions innovantes au niveau supérieur et amplifier votre impact !

Le PNUD Kosovo, en partenariat avec le gouvernement du Japon , a lancé le Kosovo Green Challenge pour soutenir la relance verte dans le secteur privé en favorisant un environnement favorable, avec une approche centrée sur les personnes.

Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus .

Soumettez votre proposition pour « organiser des sessions de rassemblement de deux jours sur les subventions du Fonds mondial CCM » ( Iran )

Date limite : 9 octobre 22

Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) vous demande de soumettre votre proposition pour « organiser des sessions de rassemblement de deux jours sur les subventions du Fonds mondial de l’Instance de coordination nationale (CCM) ».

The structure and the concept of the CCM are intended to reflect the principles of national ownership and participatory decision-making. This unique publicprivate partnership at the national level constitutes the governing body for the use of GFATM resources in recipient countries. The CCM is responsible for coordinating submission of fresh proposals, processing requests for continued funding, selecting principal recipients as well as monitoring and oversight of all GFATM grants and projects implemented with these grants.

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UNDP Call for Proposals: Community Livelihood Projects in Botswana

Deadline: 10-Oct-22

Le PNUD recherche les services d’ONG/OSC basées au Botswana intéressées pour entreprendre : l’élaboration d’une proposition technique et la mise en œuvre de projets durables pour les projets communautaires sélectionnés dans les domaines spécifiques.

This Call for Proposals (CFP) is specifically related to the UNDP and the Government of Botswana’s Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Drylands Ecosystem Project (KGDEP). The call for proposal is for interested Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs)/Civil society Organizations (CSOs) to develop technical proposals for implementation of community livelihoods bankable/sustainable project for the GEF-6 Child Project titled “Managing the human-wildlife interface to sustain the flow of agro-ecosystem services and prevent illegal wildlife trafficking in the Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Drylands”.

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UNDP inviting CBOs and NGOs from Pakistan

Deadline: 20-Oct-22

UNDP is seeking submissions from qualified community-based organizations (CBOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Pakistan to participate in the implementation of the grant as Sub-Recipients (SRs). This Call for Proposals (CFP) is specifically related to the HIV prevention and Care/ support modules of the GF HIV Grant for the implementation period 2022-2023.

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Submit your Proposal for Piloting Social Insurance for the Informal Sector in South Africa

Deadline: 7-Oct-22

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) requests you to submit your Proposal for the Piloting social insurance for the informal sector in South Africa with special focus on women. The overall aim of the assignment is to pilot a social insurance scheme for the informal sector in South Africa based on best practices of the various social insurance schemes on the informal sector in other countries with specific focus women. The pilot social scheme will be designed so as cater for the diversity of the informal sector in South Africa.

This pilot scheme will therefore be instrumental in providing a basis to inform and guide the Department of Social Development on plans towards development of innovations, capacities and systems for inclusive social security schemes for the uncovered population, including, stimulating discussions on options for increasing the fiscal space for the expansion of social security programmes.

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Low Value Grants offering up to 50K to NGOs and CSOs in Samoa

Deadline: 7-Oct-22

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is seeking proposals for Low Value Grants. The purpose of this call is to coordinate, facilitate and deliver capacity-building trainings for Local Farmers/Market Vendors in the Agriculture Sector on Organic Farming Practices and Certification, Value Adding as well as to facilitate Grant Disbursement for Local Farmers/Market Vendors.

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UNDP Call to conserve Biodiversity and address Climate Change (PNG)

Deadline: 7-Oct-22

The first call for proposals is open to existing, legally gazetted Protected Areas, both marine and terrestrial that contributes to Outcome 1 (Effective and sustainable managment of existing and future protect areas and other key biodiversity) of the Fund’s Theory of Change. The mission of the Papua New Guinea Biodiversity and Climate Fund (BCF) is “… to catalyze financial and technical resources to enable present and future generations of Papua New Guineans to restore, protect, and enhance the country’s biodiversity and build resilience in the face of climate change”.

The BCF offers grants to Papua New Guinea-based projects that contribute to the achievement of these objectives. The goal of the BCF is to competitively grant at least PGK 3.5 million (USD 1 million) annually to support the achievement of the Fund’s Theory of Change. The Fund hopes that these grants will help stimulate greater financial resources for conservation and climate action, creating stronger collaboration and coordination between partners and make a systemic change in PNG’s natural environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

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Open Call: “Promoting Human Security Approach to Violence Prevention” Project in Thailand

Deadline: 16-Oct-22

As part of the UN Country Team to promote inclusive, sustainable and human-centred development for all people in Thailand, the Office of the Resident Coordinator, The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with the National Security Council of Thailand (NSC) have launched the “Promoting Human Security Approach to Violence Prevention” project to help foster locally driven social innovations to overcome cyclical political and developmental challenges within Thailand.

The proposals shall take an innovative approach aimed at raising awareness and building capacity of relevant stakeholders on human security and utilizing the approach to address grievances and tensions within their community.

In addition, applying organizations shall use a human security and human rights-based approach and take into consideration principles of non-discrimination, gender equality and inclusion of marginalized and vulnerable groups when developing proposals.

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UNDP: Implementation of Finance Solutions in the Philippines

Deadline: 7-Oct-22

The United Nations Development Program through its Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) Project, has been supporting the Philippine Government in articulating the financial resources it needs to maintain a healthy biodiversity portfolio in-country. In particular, BIOFIN in collaboration with Department of Natural Resources Biodiversity Management Bureau has conducted the following assessments: 1) Policy and Institutional Review (PIR); 2) Public and Private Biodiversity Expenditure Review (PPBER); 3) Assessment of financial needs (cost and gap analysis of implementing Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP)).

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MEAE-UNDP Program in Support of the Republic of Moldova

Deadline: 15-Oct-22

The Delegation for the External Action of Local Authorities (DAECT), the French Embassy in Moldova and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) are jointly launching a program aimed at strengthening the provision of local public services by Moldovan local authorities, by facilitating the commitment of French local authorities alongside them.

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Call for Proposals to Support Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (Albania)

Deadline: 20-Oct-22

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the framework of the UN Joint Programme “Leave No-One Behind” (LNB) is launching a Call for Proposals for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs).

The programme emphases the community empowerment as a key driver of development. This Call aims to support OPDs in developing and implementing tailored advocacy and policy monitoring actions that reflect their priorities and contexts.

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Small Grants Program Call 2022/2023 to Conserve Environment and improve Livelihoods of People

Deadline: 4-Nov-22

The Small Donations Program (SPP) of Argentina opens a new call for the presentation of projects by organizations that conserve and restore the environment, improving the well-being and livelihoods of people. The Small Grants Program (SGP) is an institutional program of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) , implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and managed by UNOPS – United Nations Office for Project Services.

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Samoa Call for Proposals for Low Value Grants Up to 8K

Deadline: 14-Oct-22

This call specifically supports women’s movement and civil society advocacy, prevention and or awareness raising initiatives including response efforts to address violence against women and girls also in the context of COVID 19.Expressions of interest that focus on intersectional issues and or communities most impacted (for example, survivors of violence, women and girls, young people, women and girls with disabilities, transgender) is highly encouraged.

Click here to read more.

Public Call for Civil Society Organizations in Albania

Deadline: 7-Oct-22

The specific objective of the Program is to strengthen cooperation between local government and civil society organizations in the Western Balkans by strengthening transparency for financing of Civil Society Organizations from the local government budget. Also, the ReLOaD program aims to promote civic engagement with a special focus on young people in order to become part of decision-making processes in function of community development.

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Grant Support to Entrepreneur Women through ‘Life Is Easy in Digital’ in Turkey

Deadline: 15-Oct-22

The applications period started for mentoring and grant support by the project “Life is Easy in Digital”, implemented by TOBB, UNDP, Habitat Association and Türk Telekom to offer training opportunities on digital literacy and digital marketing to women entrepreneurs. The project aims to train 10,000 women in 81 provinces by year end.

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UNDP- India: Livelihood Enhancement of the Local Communities by Strengthening Handloom

Deadline: 17-Oct-22

UNDP-India request to submit your proposal for Livelihood enhancement of the local communities by strengthening Handloom & Handicraft value chain and promoting conservation of natural resources of the Govind landscape of District Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand.

The project aims to support the Government of India to effectively promote sustainable land and forest management in alpine pastures and forests in high range Indian Himalayan ecosystems that secure sustainable livelihoods and community resilience and ensures conservation of globally significant biodiversity and threatened species.

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UNDP RFPs: Research on Future-proof and Green Value Chains (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)

Deadline: 20-Oct-22

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) requests you to submit your Proposal for the Identification of concrete green added-value products which are ‘future-proof’ and with high export and job creation potential, and assessment of related value chains in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Click here to read more.

UNDP Call for NGOs to implement Community-based TB Activities in Tajikistan

Deadline: 13-Oct-22

UNDP announces this Call for Proposal for selection of local community-based organization and/or non-government organization(s) for implementing community TB activities to support active case finding and treatment adherence support of patients receiving DR-TB treatment including new treatment regimens.

It is expected that NGOs will support in TB screening of people who had contacts with TB patients and high risk, or key population groups using innovative approaches and hence will improve referral system and early detection of the TB.

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UNDP: Women Entrepreneurship Training in Iraq

Deadline: 13-Oct-22

The main goal is to get a technical and financial proposal from an experienced capacity building service provider to conduct Women Entrepreneurship Training courses. The program is intended to improve the capacity of government personnel in various directorates of Kirkuk Province. The key target groups are official governmental employees who work in different directories in Kirkuk governorate.

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Grants to support Communities, Vulnerable Groups and People in Need in Ukraine

Deadline: Ongoing Opportunity

This call for proposals aims to pool efforts and support community-based initiatives to overcome and reduce the consequences of escalating military conflict and provide assistance to the most vulnerable (such as the elderly, people with disabilities, large and low-income families, youth, IDPs, etc.). and those people who find themselves in a difficult situation due to hostilities.

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UNDP Low-Value Grant for Building the Capacity of Media in Samoa

Deadline: 13-Oct-22

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched a Low-Value Grant to build the capacity of Samoa media in reporting on anti-corruption, integrity, UNCAC, SDG 16, and related themes.

The purpose of this call is to coordinate, facilitate and deliver capacity-building workshops to Samoan national media associations and journalists to strengthen their capacity to monitor and report on UNCAC and SDG 16 issues. It will also include the production of a small toolkit/guidelines for Samoan journalists as well as coordinate an awareness-raising event to support awareness and observance of the International Anti-corruption Day (IACD 2022).

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