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SNV recruits 01 Baseline And Market Impact Assessment


SNV recruits 01 Baseline And Market Impact Assessment For The Design And Implementation Of Clean Cooking Standards And Label In Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya
Baseline And Market Impact Assessment For The Design And Implementation Of Clean Cooking Standards And Label In Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
Contract type: Consultancy contract
Company Description
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy and WASH to local contexts. SNV has an annual turnover of €130 million, over 1,250 staff in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. We are proud to be a not-for-profit organization that uses project financing to implement our mission. This requires us to work efficiently and to invest in operational excellence.
In its new Strategic Plan period (2019 – 2022), SNV will more explicitly aim for systems change during project preparation and implementation – by strengthening institutions and kick-starting markets that help many more to escape poverty beyond our projects. We will continue to position ourselves as a premium organization, with decentralized management.
For more information on our operations in Kenya and SNV generally visit our website:
SNV through the Voice for Change Partnership (V4CP) programme is supporting Clean Cooking Association of Kenya (CCAK) to generate evidence for evidence based advocacy. The Market and Impact Assessment for Voluntary Cook stoves Labelling is needed to optimize and justify the design of a Standards and Labelling (S&L) policy or program in Kenya targeting private sector stoves and fuels manufacturers, Government and other stakeholders in the clean cooking sector.
Job Description
The outcomes of the assessment will inform the process of setting performance criteria (Thermal Efficiency, durability, safety or Emissions or a combination the criteria) and evaluating the impact of any S&L policy or program. The long term goal of the voluntary programme is to encourage uptake of efficient biomass cook stoves and discourage uptake of inefficient cook stoves.
Expected outcome
The baseline survey, Market and Impact Assessment shall inform the design and implementation of the biomass cook stoves voluntary labelling in Kenya by focusing on the following outlined focus task areas as per the TOR. These Terms of Reference outline the tasks required for the review and invites interested service providers to send their expressions of interest to carry out the study.
Research objective
The objective of this assignment is to develop a comprehensive understanding of all the various factors that will impact the design and successful implementation of the biomass cook stoves and briquettes voluntary standards and labelling (S&L) in Kenya. These factors will include but not limited to cook stoves and briquettes market technology landscape, policy environment, actors and consumers.
Research questions
The Research questions of the assignment are:
Undertake a thorough review of the Kenyan cook stoves standards and labelling policies/regulations; and propose areas of amendments including Assessing the compliance of the cook stove labels with the existing government regulations including the Kenya Constitution, Energy act 2019, environmental and other laws that have been enacted;
Review existing secondary data e.g Sector Study 2019 etc. and identify manufacturers and end user streams for data collection
Identify the metrics upon which cook stoves are tested on and assess the adequacy of the documentation required in the labels acquisition process; and identify the existing performance gaps in the biomass cook stoves standards
Identify the compliance mechanisms available associated with the standards and labelling policies and assess its effectiveness in terms of inspection and enforcement;
Analyse the current state of adherence to policies by the stakeholders in the cook stoves market in Kenya ( this is to form a baseline for creation of possible scenarios)
Assess the effectiveness of the general labelling conditions, e.g. the process of acquiring them, validity period ( if any) and the processes of renewing them;
Identify possible barriers (including technological challenges) to acceptance by cook stove manufacturers of the cook stoves label in Kenya
Define recommendations for the effective enforcement of the provisions of the cook stoves standards/regulations and penalties provided for in the regulations;
Proposed standards and labelling framework in Kenya and implementation
Compare both local and International Standards relating to cook stoves labels and demystify the existing synergy points and differences;
Scope & limitations
The consultant will engage biomass cook stoves manufacturers using the following segmentation;
Tier I stoves
Tier II stoves
Tier III stoves
Tier IV Stoves
Tier V stoves and
Briquettes manufacturers (carbonized and non-carbonized) in Kenya.
To meet the objectives of this study, the consultant will accomplish the following activities:
Identification of the stakeholders/ actors affected by the standards and labelling policy/programme including but not limited to manufacturers, consumers (end users)   importers, and government.  and evaluate their understanding of the requirements in the regulations
Develop a data collection tool (and have it validated by the client) which will be used to meet the study objectives
Develop a standard sample size of stakeholder’s manufacturers, consumers, importers and government. The consultant shall be guided by the identified segments for different stove tier and briquettes manufacturers.
Document how standards and labelling processes in Kenya work, cook stoves manufacturers perceptions of S&L and its potential impact to consumers and institutions considering the process and channels  to introduce the concepts of S&L to the  Kenyan cook stove market.
The following tasks will be undertaken by the consultant during the period for contracting:
Task 1 – Market Assessment for Cook stoves (Improved Cook stoves) and briquettes
Conduct assessments of the current state of access and the enabling market environment for Kenya, identifying the clean cooking technologies, describing the policy environment related to clean cooking, identify the actors in the cook stoves market and describing their roles.
Describe/Qualify and quantify the demand and supply for cook stoves in Kenya for households, private enterprises and public institutions (literature review of primary and secondary sources).
Data to be assessed includes but not limited to product type, size, distribution on the market, sales, domestic vs international production, typical operating schedules/hours of use, efficiency, emissions, etc.
 Review institutional and legal structures to implement the voluntary labelling
Task 2: Assessment of the existing labels fronted by the existing regulations versus products in the market
Thorough analysis of the labels requirements as provided for in the existing cook stove policies/ standards (including the metrics, label types etc.). This will constitute the ideal scenario;
Thorough assessment of the actual implementation/ performance of the labels in the cook stoves market. This is the actual scenario since it is based on the actual state of the market
Compare the actual performance as in (ii) above versus the expected performance in above. This is an analysis of what is actually present in the market.
  Identify the gaps between the ideal and actual scenario identified above and the reasons/ causes for the gaps;
Task 3: Consultation with FGDs (ICS and Briquettes manufacturers) to develop Labels
Proposed Labels indicating stove performance – efficiency, emissions, durability & safety and h drivers for uptake mapped.
Proposed labels for briquettes with aspects like length of burning, ash content, speed of lighting etc.
Document proposed type of label by the sector (ICS and fuel) as recommended by the FGD
Task 4: Report and Consultation
Summarize findings in report
Conduct consultation to solicit feedback from technical committee and stakeholders
Incorporate stakeholder’s comments and provide a final report.
The consultant will propose the methodology to be used and consult with SNV for approval of the same.
The study is expected to use suitable qualitative research methods; primary data collection through interviews with key stakeholders and focused group discussions and review of secondary literature materials. In close consultation with SNV , the consultants will develop a detailed research plan. The research plan further specifies the evaluation questions and data collection methods and includes a detailed planning and a division of roles and tasks between consultant and SNV.
7. Research deliverables
7.1 Products to be delivered
The following products are expected after conclusion of the survey;
Inception report with work plan; the inception report will also include details of the consultant understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology and a detailed activity schedule/workplan. It will also include data collection and analysis tools that will  be validated by the client;
FGDs and KII consultation report
Stakeholders’ validation workshop report documenting stakeholders’ and experts’ inputs.
S&L final field report comprising of;
A concise executive summary
Review of clean cooking (Biomass Cook stoves and fuels) Standards and policies
Discussion on methodology and survey results
Recommendations and proposed standards and labelling framework in List of stove and briquette manufacturers visited and product types
List of people interviewed and their contacts
List of references and bibliography
6. Policy Brief on the Standards and labelling for the cook stoves market
7. Power point presentation on findings ( .ppt and pdf formats)
Research management
This assignment is expected to take 60 working days (3 calendar months) upon contracting, this is exclusive of the validation – 1 day and 1 day for submission of final report)
Requirements/qualifications researcher(s)
SNV is seeking to engage a consultancy firm to carry out the above outlined assignments. Combined Technical and financial proposal expected and should demonstrate the firm understanding of the assignment and should contain:
Cover letter
Proposed Methodology
Report format
CV of key experts and experience with the firm relevant to the study
Assignment cost broken down into professional fees and reimbursable costs
Note: Bidding Firm will be required to submit current CV with referees and recommendation letters where Applicable.
Application Requirements
A group of consultants or firm with minimum of two (2) key experts – One expert with a strong background in energy planning preferably in Improved cook stoves and qualitative analysis and one expert with a strong background in market assessments with good understanding of standards and labelling in Kenya. This call is open to national (Kenya) bidders only.  Both experts should possess:
Post Graduate degree in the following relevant courses: Energy Engineering, Testing and Meteorology, Quality Improvement Tools and Techniques, Process Design and Performance measurements and Standards Development related discipline.
At least 8 years’ experience undertaking qualitative and quantitative market assessment for standards label development for the lead expert and
At least 5 years ’ for supporting expert with experience in Energy Quality Standards, Policy compliance, testing and quality assurance , product labelling and consumer education and product’s standards and label development.
Expertise in statistical analysis, market awareness and clean cooking technology standards is an added advantage.
Additional Information
Application Procedure
A maximum of three (3) firms will be invited for a one-hour presentation and interview session at the SNV office in Nairobi. The approach for collecting and analyzing data should be based on the most cost efficient combination of methods for local staff. SNV will be looking for a high quality process and end product at the keenest price.
To apply for this consultancy, interested individuals should submit one proposal in soft. The proposal will have a technical proposal detailing their understanding of the assignment, Proposed methodology and CVs of key expert(s) and a financial proposal with the proposed remuneration per expert at a daily rate (in Kenya shillings) and reimbursable and submitted through clicking the I’M INTERESTED button below latest by 5PM (EAT) on 3rd January 2020 when the proposal acceptance period will close.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
We do not appreciate third-party mediation based on this advertisement.
SNV Kenya does not require you to undergo any medical test prior to employment