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PUI recruits 01 Occupied Palestinian Territory


PUI recruits 01 Occupied Palestinian Territory – A Deputy Head of Mission in Ramallah


Starting date : January 2020

Duration of Mission: 6 months (renewable) 

Location: Ramallah, Occupied Palestinian Territory


Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. Our teams are committed to supporting civilian victims of marginalization and exclusion, or those hit by natural disasters, wars and economic collapse by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency. The association leads on average 200 projects a year in the following sectors of intervention: Food Security, Health, Nutrition, Construction and Rehabilitation of infrastructures, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Economic Recovery. PUI is providing assistance to around 6 million people in 22 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and France.

Find out about our history and values


The distinctive characteristics and drivers of the humanitarian crisis in the oPt remain directly related to the impact of prolonged belligerent occupation. Protection issues persists, driven by the systematic denial of Palestinian rights, structural barriers to Palestinian development, conflict and lack of accountability for violations of international law, which in turn result in chronic humanitarian needs and dependence on relief. In the West Bank, 881,000 Palestinians are in need of protection (Humanitarian Response Strategy 2018-2020) due to recurrent violations of IHL and IHRL. In Area C, East Jerusalem and H2 Hebron a coercive environment prevails, which encourages the non-consensual displacement of Palestinians from their homes and lands. This coercive environment is generated through ‘push factors’ that lead to forcible transfer, including demolitions, settler and military violence and harassment, as well as restrictions on movement and access to resources, basic services and humanitarian assistance. These processes occur largely in areas slated for settlement expansion. The increase in settler violence affecting Palestinians that began in 2017 has continued in 2019. Nablus, Hebron, and Ramallah governorates continue to remain the primary hotspots, accounting for 72 per cent of all recorded incidents.

The situation in Gaza Strip (GS) is a protracted protection crisis with humanitarian consequences considering a grim combination of economic de-development linked to the consequences of prolonged occupation and continuous violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL). The GS has undergone 3 consecutive wars in 2008-2009, 2012 and 2014, resulting in the International Community establishing contingency and response planning for large scale emergencies. Moreover, the blockade and freedom of movement restrictions are two factors depriving the Gaza population of a well-functioning economy and socio-economic opportunities resulting in high unemployment rates. The challenges faced in terms of availability and access of supplies and spare parts for businesses in the Gazan markets is increasingly challenging. Moreover, the humanitarian situation deteriorated markedly in 2017 due to an escalation in the internal Palestinian political divide, following the decision in March by the de facto Hamas leadership to establish a parallel structure to run local ministries in Gaza. In response, the Palestinian Authority (PA) reduced payments for electricity, the allowances of public employees, and payments for the referral of patients for treatment outside Gaza. Longer power outages have negatively impacted the basic health and water and sanitation services, and limited the ability of farmers to irrigate their lands, further undermining food security and livelihood. These developments have had a devastating impact on an already fragile situation and have led to increased protection concerns and wave of protests such as the Great March of Return. About 80% of people in Gaza receive food assistance and other forms of social transfers which enable scarce cash resources to be spent on other essentials, preventing a further deterioration of food security and livelihood status, and reducing the impact of negative coping mechanisms

PUI’s strategy/position in the country

PUI’s strategy focuses on providing support to populations affected by the coercive environment and subsequent violations of IHL/HR in both the West Bank (WB) and the Gaza Strip (GS). It combined several sectors to prevent the loss of livelihoods and displacements of population as a consequence of protection threats, lack of services (Health, Education, WASH), and lack of access to agricultural lands or job opportunities.

Click here for more information about our response to the crisis

As part of our activities in Iraq, we are looking for Deputy Head of Mission

The DHoM’s main objective is to ensure the accountability of PUI’s programs in the oPt.

The DHoM is expected to contribute to the quality assurance of program implementation across all grants. He/she reports to the Head of Mission, in whose absence the Deputy provides interim coverage.

The DHoM is responsible for cross-cutting programmatic information management, sound design of and overseeing assessments, monitoring  and  evaluation, and ensuring  that  information collected is  reflected  upon, used  to  improve ongoing projects, and incorporated into consistently high quality grant proposals and reports.

Working  under  the  supervision  of  the  Head  of  Mission  and  in  close  collaboration  with  the  Field  Coordinators,  she/he  will  be responsible for coordinating project cylcle management and constantly improving the M&E system, ensuring that grant proposals, donors’ reports and internal reports are timely and of a high quality, stimulating a constant learning and capacity building process specifically to strengthen national staff capacities.

Finally, she/he will be a key player in the strategy elaboration upon the Head of Mission leadership and in collaboration with the Field Coordinators, both on programmatic and organizational aspects.

She/he  will  technically  manages  a  team  of  monitoring  and  evaluation  officers/managers  as well as technical advisors (protection and livelihoods) and  collaborate  closely  with  the  Field Coordinators and with other departments when and as required .

Tasks and activities: 

  1. Programs: He/She coordinates teams, project cylcle management ensuring efficient implementation of programs, monitoring needs and can propose new interventions to the Head of Mission
  2. Technical coordination: ensures technical quality and coherence of mission programming
  3. MEAL: develops and monitors MEAL processes, ensures the technical management of M&E teams
  4. Reporting to donors: coordinates the drafting of projects’ proposals and reports
  5. Support to HoM

Do not hesitate to look at the job description below for all the details you need.

To stay up to date with our new job offers, join our Facebook group My Job In The Field

Ville Ramallah
Expériences / Formation du candidat Training:

  • Bachelor’s  or  Master  degree  in  a  field related  to  Project  Management, international  development  and/or business school


  • At least  2  years’  experience  in  project management / M&E process or a similar position in an international context
  • Experience in  donor  requirements  and expectations,  particularly  ECHO and OCHA

Knowledge and skills:

  • Good analytical  skills  and  capacity  to present  data  in  a  clear  &  structured manner
  • Good competence  in  planning  and prioritizing multiple tasks
  • Good command  in  methodology  of assessment,  evaluation  and  lessons learned
  • Demonstrated experience in monitoring and evaluation design, applied survey & research, indicator development
  • Proven capacity for analyzing and synthetizing comprehensive information and technical data
  • Ability to guarantee effective and timely outputs
  • Strong and  proven  capacity  in diplomatically  working  among  an integrated multi-cultural project team
  • Excellent editorial quality
  • Strong computer skills, including ability to  operate  Microsoft  Word,  Excel, Power-Point.

Languages: English is necessary, French and Arabic are assets.

Experience 3 à 5 ans
Fonctions Gestion de projets/programmes, Direction et administration
Secteurs d’activité Gestion crise / post-crise
Pays Moyen Orient, Territoires palestiniens
Salaire / Indemnité
  • Fixed-Term Contract: 6 to 12 months
  • Starting date: January 2020
  • Monthly Gross Income: from 2 420 up to 2 750 Euros depending on the experience in International Solidarity + 50 Euros per semester seniority with PUI
  • Cost covered:  Round-trip transportation to and from home / mission, visas, vaccines…
  • Insurance including medical coverage and complementary healthcare, 24/24 assistance and repatriation
  • Housing in collective accommodation
  • Daily living Expenses (« Per diem »)
  • Break Policy  : 5 working days at 3 and 9 months + break allowance
  • Paid Leaves Policy  : 5 weeks of paid leaves per year + return ticket every 6 months
Comment postuler If you wish to apply, follow this link and fill in the form on our website.
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Date de fin de validité 29/02/2020