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Cooperazione Internazionale recruits 01 Protection Project Manager AICS


Cooperazione Internazionale recruits 01 Protection Project Manager AICS

Description COOPI is looking for a Protection Project Manager in AmmanThe Protection Project Manager will be responsible to ensure that project is implemented and in line with the Organization’s mission and donor objectives regarding the activities related with protection’s issues. S/he is also responsible for building the capacity of the staff involved in the protection’s activities to ensure sustainability of the programme. A professional proven experience in international protection would be an advantage


S/he is responsible for the project’s execution, in technical, economic/financial terms, and in terms of resources management on field, in compliance with COOPI and the donor’s procedures. S/he will have direct responsibilities at project coordination and implementing, ensuring to reach the expected results on time, on budget, on quality, in reference to the project funded by AICS.

In addition, s/he will be assigned with power of attorney ad interim, with tasks of institutional representation in Amman, in coordination with the Regional Coordinator and in harmony with the other project staff.


  • Activity planning and management: in cooperation with the project staff, s/he plans and monitors the activities’ progress, in compliance with the contract signed with the donor and with COOPI and the donor’s procedures.
  • Administrative and financial management: in collaboration with the Project Administrator/Administrative Coordinator he/she plans all expenditures to make. He/she regularly monitors all made expenditures. He/she supervises accounting and the project cash safe/bank account management and, where there was no dedicated staff, he/she directly manages the accounting and the project cash safe/bank accounts, making use of the instruments made available by the organization (Merlino). In cooperation with the Project Administrator and in coordination with the Administrative Coordinator he/she prepares the Purchases Plan. He/she ensures the organization and donor’s procedures respect when purchasing goods and services.
  • Reporting: in coordination with the Regional Coordinator and with the Administrative Coordinator, s/he ensures the preparation, in compliance with the deadlines, of all financial and narrative reports – interim and final – expected by the project. S/he is responsible for the preparation of all formal communication and contract modifications requests (ex. budget modification) of the projects he manages.
  • Staff Management: In coordination with the Regional Coordinator and in compliance with the country’s rules/laws and with the COOPI’s regulation in the country, s/he selects the local staff to be employed in projects, and manages any other project’s expatriate staff. By making use of the organization’s tools s/he evaluates the local staff employed for projects and s/he participates to the evaluation of his/her own project, upon request by his/her direct supervisor. S/he coordinates and supervises the work done by all the project staff, in compliance with the organization’s security procedures. S/he is responsible for the initial and continuous training of the local staff under his/her responsibility.
  • Goods management: s/he is responsible of the correct management of all goods purchased for the project, both directly and purchased by other offices/field offices. For all goods purchased by the project he/she updates the inventory, in cooperation with the Administrative Coordinator.
  • Institutional relations: In relation to the project of his/her competence, s/he communicates with the donors’ officers, the local authorities which are competent in the aspects related to the project, the project’s partners and beneficiaries, in compliance with the organization’s guidelines.
  • New projects’ writing: upon request by his/her direct supervisor, and cooperating with the project staff, s/he elaborates, writes and prepares all necessary documents to present new projects, in accordance with the organization’s processes and procedures.


  • Advanced degree in Protection or related field or equivalent work.
  • Three years experience in the humanitarian field as project or programme manager or in a similar position. Demonstrated experience in protection or related field in fragile states, including IDPs, refugees and returnees context.
  • Strong analytical and practical problem-solving skills;
  • Strong supervisory abilities, and demonstrated capacity of teamwork and of coordination with the relevant actors;
  • Very good inter-personal and writing communication skills;
  • Ability to organize work efficiently and deliver assignments in a timely manner often under time constraints;
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English; Arabic would be an advantage
  • Computer literacy, with high proficiency in the use of standard office software applications (e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint);

We reserve the right to close the vacancy prior to the application closing date, once a sufficient number of applications have been received.

Ville Amman
Experience 3 à 5 ans
Fonctions Gestion de projets/programmes, Autre
Secteurs d’activité Gestion crise / post-crise, Autre
Pays Moyen Orient, Jordanie
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Date de fin de validité 02/12/2019