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Recrutement d’un(01) Assistant Project Officer

Assistant Project Officer (Global Maritime Crime), NOA

Intitulé code d’emploi: Spécialiste adjoint de la gestion des programmes
Département / Bureau: Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime
Lieu d’affectation: YAOUNDE
Période de candidature: – 29 août 2023
No de l’appel á candidature: 23-Programme Management-UNODC-214518-R-Yaounde (N)
Staffing Exercise N/A
Valeurs fondamentales de l’ONU: intégrité, professionnalisme, respect de la diversité
Cadre organisationnel
This position is located in the UNODC Programme Office in Cameroon (POCMR) -Global Maritime Crime Programme/Atlantic Ocean Programme (GMCP/AO), Regional Office for West and Central Africa (ROSEN), Division for Operations (DO), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Under the overall guidance of the UNODC Regional Representative, the Assistant Project Officer (GMC) will work under the direct supervision of Project Coordinator (Atlantic Ocean) based in Lisbon, Portugal and in close coordination with the Programme Officer (GMCP, AO) based in Libreville, Gabon.
For more information on UNODC, please visit the website: www.unodc.org
Within assigned authority, the incumbent will be responsible for the following specific duties:
• As member of a team provide assistance in the development, implementation and evaluation of assigned programmes/projects, etc.; assist in monitoring and analysing programme/project development and implementation; review relevant documents and reports; identify problems and issues to be addressed and propose corrective actions; liaise with relevant parties; identify and track follow-up actions in consultation with the supervisor.
• Assist in identifying technical assistance needs for capacity building and develop sustainable strategies to reform and strengthen the capacity of maritime law enforcement and maritime law reforms in the region.
• Assist the UNODC GMCP on the technical support provided to the Interregional Coordinator Center (ICC) of the Yaoundé Architecture through providing support in coordinating and facilitating implementation of projects and identify new potential area of interests to maintain the collaboration with the regional center.
• Support the Interregional Coordination Center (ICC) to facilitate harmonization and standardization of training priorities and needs on maritime security/maritime law enforcement to build a robust and sustainable regional training capacity in the Gulf of Guinea region.
• Assist in project/programme and/or budget revisions, the preparation and dissemination of costed work plans, terms of references and other related project documentation on maritime crime.
• Contribute with substantive support for policy coordination and evaluation functions, including the review and analysis of emerging issues and trends, participation in evaluations or research activities and studies.
• Contribute to the preparation of various written outputs, e.g. draft background papers, briefing notes, analytical notes, sections of reports and studies, inputs to publications, etc, relating to maritime crime issues in the Gulf of Guinea region.
• Provide administrative and substantive support to UNODC GMCP Programme Coordinator for the Atlantic Ocean and other team members in preparing and coordinating relevant meetings, workshops, conferences, etc. on maritime security, including proposing agenda topics, identifying and proposing participants, preparing background documents and presentations, handling logistics, etc..
• Assist in undertaking administrative actions related to the procurement of equipment and services including preparation of purchase orders, contracts for consultants, related payment requests, and monitoring and follow-up on such requests in line with UN financial rules and regulations.
• Support field missions to locations in the Gulf of Guinea region where UNODC GMCP carries out programme activities, including provision of substantive and administrative support, data collection, etc..
• Contribute to the collection and analysis of data and identification of trends or patterns and provide draft insights through graphs, charts, tables and reports using data visualization methods for data-driven planning, decision-making, presentation and reporting.
• Document requirements and background information used for data analysis.
• Perform any other work-related duties as required/assigned.
Professionalism: Has demonstrated professional competence in programme management and implementation, ideally with a focus on criminal justice matters and in particular countering maritime crime. Has ability to analyze and interpret data in support of decision-making and convey resulting information to management. Has ability to identify and contribute to the solution of problems/issues. Shows pride in work and in achievements; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines, and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations; takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. Works collaboratively with colleagues within and outside of UNODC to achieve organizational goals; solicits inputs by genuinely valuing others ideas and expertise; demonstrates willingness to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.
Planning & Organizing: Able to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate, and monitor work while prioritizing competing demands; able to work on tight deadlines; knowledge on how to develop clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies. Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and projects as necessary; uses time efficiently.
Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in law of the sea, maritime security, law enforcement or related field is required A first-level university degree in similar field in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Expérience professionnelle
A minimum of two years of relevant professional experience in the field of maritime affairs, human rights at sea, maritime crime prevention or maritime criminal justice at national or international levels is required. No work experience is needed with an advanced university degree.
Experience in maritime security architecture and maritime security projects is desirable.
Experience with project formulation, implementation, reporting and monitoring, including experience in international development cooperation is desirable.
Experience in project planning, coordination and financial management is desirable.
Experience in data collection, data analytics and management, and statistics is desirable.
Connaissances linguistiques
English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position, fluency in English and French is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language is an advantage.
Méthode d’évaluation
Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise and a competency-based interview.
Notice spéciale
This is a project post. Filling of this position is subject to funding availability and the initial appointment will be for a period of one year. Extension of the appointment is subject to extension of the mandate and/or the availability of the funds.
At the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the recruitment and employment of staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity, with due regard to geographic diversity. All employment decisions are made on the basis of qualifications and organizational needs. The United Nations is committed to creating a diverse
and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The United Nations recruits and employs staff regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds or disabilities. Reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities may be provided to support participation in the recruitment process when requested and indicated in the application.
The United Nations Secretariat is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance and geographical diversity in its staff. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.
Applicants, who successfully go through a competitive recruitment process and are recommended for selection and/or inclusion in the roster of pre-approved candidates for subsequent job openings at the same level and with similar functions, may have their application information and roster status shared with other UN Organizations. Such applicants may be contacted by other UN Organizations for similar job openings, subject to the confirmation of their interest. Placement on the roster is no guarantee of a future selection.
Charte des Nations Unies
Aux termes du paragraphe 3 de l’Article 101 de la Charte des Nations Unies, la considération dominante dans le recrutement du personnel doit être la nécessité d’assurer à l’Organisation les services de personnes possédant les plus hautes qualités de travail, de compétence et d’intégrité. Ne seront pas retenues les candidatures des personnes qui ont commis des violations du droit international des droits de l’homme, des violations du droit international humanitaire, des actes d’exploitation, d’atteintes ou de harcèlement sexuels, ou au sujet desquelles il existe des raisons plausibles de croire qu’elles ont été impliquées dans la commission de tels actes. L’expression « exploitation sexuelle » désigne le fait d’abuser ou de tenter d’abuser d’un état de vulnérabilité, d’un rapport de force inégal ou de rapports de confiance à des fins sexuelles, y compris mais non exclusivement en vue d’en tirer un avantage pécuniaire, social ou politique. On entend par « atteinte sexuelle » toute atteinte physique de nature sexuelle commise par la force, sous la contrainte ou à la faveur d’un rapport inégal, ou la menace d’une telle atteinte. Le harcèlement sexuel s’entend de tout comportement déplacé à connotation sexuelle raisonnablement propre ou de nature à choquer ou humilier, lorsqu’il entrave la bonne marche du service, est présenté comme une condition d’emploi ou crée au lieu de travail un climat d’intimidation, d’hostilité ou de vexation, et lorsque ce comportement est assez grave pour justifier le licenciement de son auteur. La candidature de personnes qui ont commis des infractions autres que des infractions mineures au code de la route ne sera pas retenue.
Sera dûment prise en considération l’importance d’un recrutement effectué sur une base géographique aussi large que possible. Aucune restriction ne sera imposée par l’Organisation à l’accès des hommes et des femmes, dans des conditions égales, à toutes les fonctions, dans ses organes principaux et subsidiaires. Le Secrétariat de l’Organisation des Nations Unies est un espace non-fumeurs.
La considération dominante dans l’engagement, la mutation ou la promotion du personnel est la nécessité de s’assurer les services de personnes possédant les plus hautes qualités de travail, de compétence et d’intégrité. En acceptant une offre d’engagement, les membres du personnel sont soumis(es) à l’autorité du Secrétaire général, qui peut leur assigner l’une quelconque des tâches ou l’un quelconque des postes de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, conformément à l’alinéa c) de l’article 1.2 du Statut du personnel. Dans ce contexte, tous les membres du personnel recrutés sur le plan international sont tenus de changer de fonctions périodiquement à l’intérieur d’un même lieu d’affectation ou dans un autre lieu d’affectation, dans les conditions fixées par le Secrétaire général.
Les candidats sont invités à respecter scrupuleusement toutes les instructions disponibles sur la plateforme de recrutement en ligne Inspira. Pour des informations plus détaillées, ils ou elles peuvent consulter le manuel d’instructions pour le candidat, en cliquant sur le lien hypertexte « Manuels » sur le côté supérieur droit de la page d’accueil de leur compte Inspira.
Les candidatures feront l’objet d’une évaluation et d’un examen préalables sur la base des informations soumises conformément aux critères d’évaluation de l’avis de vacance de poste et aux dispositions législatives internes applicables de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, notamment la Charte des Nations Unies, les résolutions de l’Assemblée générale, le Statut et le Règlement du personnel, les textes administratives et les directives. Les candidats doivent fournir des informations exhaustives et précises conformément aux instructions fournies sur la plateforme Inspira. Une fois la candidature envoyée, aucune modification, suppression ou révision, ni aucun ajout ou changement ne pourra être fait. Il sera procédé à une vérification des références des candidats faisant l’objet d’une attention particulière pour s’assurer de l’exactitude des renseignements qu’ils ont fournis dans leur candidature.
Les avis de vacance de postes publiés sur le Portail des carrières sont retirés à 11:59 p.m. (heure de New York), le jour de la date limite de dépôt des candidatures.
Aucun frais de dossier


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