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American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) Libyan Antiquities Fellowship Program 2020-2021 for US Scholars (up to $25,000 USD)

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American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) Libyan Antiquities Fellowship Program 2020-2021 for US Scholars (up to $25,000 USD)

Deadline: December 31, 2019

The American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) is pleased to announce its Libyan Antiquities Fellowship Program for the academic year 2020-2021 beginning in Spring 2020. The Fellowship Program is intended for U.S. scholars interested in conducting research on a topic related to Libyan antiquities and archeology.

The AIMS Libyan Antiquities Fellowship Program will offer a grant to one U.S. scholar that will provide the opportunity to conduct research on a topic related to Libyan archeological heritage.


  • The successful applicant will receive a stipend (including travel to and from Tunis, and travel related to the fellowship for research purposes) up to $25,000 USD for a period of 9 months.
  • The Fellow will be housed at and affiliated with AIMS’ Overseas Research Center in Tunis (CEMAT) and the Fellow’s program of research will be conducted in Tunisia only.


    • The fellowship is offered to pre- and postdoctoral scholars in Archeology and Antiquities Studies.
    • All applicants must be U.S. citizens at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be members of AIMS at the time of application.


In conjunction with conducting research, the fellow will be involved in AIMS’ program on strengthening humanities in Libya and will be expected to support and work with the CEMAT senior staff in matters related to expanding the Libya portfolio. The AIMS Libya Fellow will also support lectures at CEMAT related to Libya as well as assist in identifying Libyan participants for existing activities at CEMAT. The Fellow will participate in the creation of a Libyan studies podcasts series, which will be included in the popular Maghreb in Past & Present Podcast series run by CEMAT (with CEMA in Algeria and TALIM in Morocco).


Applications must include the following:

    • A completed grant application cover sheet;
    • Proposal or research design of no more than 1,500 words;
    • Curriculum Vitae, including indication of language proficiency and institutional affiliation;
  • Letters of recommendation from two referees, including the applicant’s dissertation advisor,
  • or in the case of applicants holding a Ph.D., the names of two persons who may be contacted
  • for references. Letters can be emailed separately to [email protected].

Applications should be organized in the order above and emailed to [email protected] with the subject line “AIMS Libyan Antiquities Fellowship”. Please scan all materials into one PDF document and submit as one attachment. Letters of recommendation or support can be emailed separately