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UNDP Cambodia: Call for Innovation Project on Blue Economy Project Proposal


UNDP Cambodia: Call for Innovation Project on Blue Economy Project Proposal

Deadline: 2 October 2019

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Cambodia is currently inviting local NGOs and CBOs working on sustainable natural resources and environmental management and poverty reduction along Mekong River and around Tonle Sap provinces and Coastal provinces of Cambodia to submit their project concept papers for the grants.

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The goal of this program is to determine the contest and expand the project community that features creative principles and improve the basic living conditions through the use of ocean resources and coastal areas ensuring better and sustainable change through the inclusion of institutional environment data society, especially women and girls , youth, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities .

Creative Economy Program SGP blue ocean protection coastal environmental level by increasing the efficiency and economic sustainability of the blue in the community lot. It has been shown that increasing the efficiency of resource use will create a greater chance of survival, while reducing the pressure caused on the ocean and its ecosystem the beach.

Grant Information

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  • The Small Grants Programme (SGP) works directly by providing grants up to USD 50,000 per project and technical support to local NGOs and community-based organizations (CBOs). Grants are distributed on a competitive basis.
  • SGP will fund up to 50% of the total project cost with the remaining funding to be provided by the funded organization, community contribution and/or other donor support, either monetary or in kind and services.

Priority Themes

Theme/activity a priority, including fisheries, aquaculture visitors cautions and development capabilities. Activities classified as priorities, including:

  • Fisheries:
    • Prevent, reduce and stop destructive fishing that includes fishing with illegal instruments, the use of poison and explosives and fishing by offshore fishing gear and fishing grounds
    • Promote sustainable fisheries management through the creation of community statutes Monitoring policies and projects to promote fisheries management.
    • Rehabilitation, conservation and management of mangrove habitats for animals and sustainable marine plants for fisheries (mangroves, corals, sea grasses and other coastal wetlands).
  • Weather-resistant aquaculture:
    • Innovative aquaculture model that utilizes ocean and coastal resources sustainably for example, sea grass production, fish farming, fossil production from marine resources and other uses.
    • Reduction of aquaculture pollution and land pollution.
  • Natural Tourism:
    • Test and stunt the community-run eco-tourism initiative.
    • Develop a business plan and marketing goals or tourism activities.
    • Waste management from tourists, hotels and other tourists.
    • Capacity development can be a cross-sectoral activity in the above three priority topics. Possible capacity development activities include:
      • Educate and train community members on aquaculture and ecotourism and
      • Identifying, collecting and organizing good code of conduct On the Blue Economy for Learning and Sharing at the Local Level National Level And the world.

Eligibility Criteria

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  • Small Grants Program Grants Aid to Local NGOs and Community Organizations (LNGO/CBO) legally registered with any ministry or institution in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Project duration can be 1 or 2 years depending on the type/nature of the project (scope Project Type and Capacity of the Supporting Organization (LNGO/CBO).
  • The proposed project should be dynamic, innovative and changeable and have the potential for expansion and copied elsewhere.
  • Successful projects should consider social contexts, including gender equality and empowering indigenous women and people with disabilities in their initiatives.
  • The project should focus on conservation, education, technology, and other work but applicants should clearly demonstrate a powerful plan and clear results.
  • Projects should bring with it partnerships and access to additional resources (for example, co-donors with INGOs, establishments and specialized sectors) are given the opportunity.

How to Apply

Applicants should send proposals in Khmer only in a sealed envelope at the address given on the website.

For more information, please visit