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Philippines: N-Peace Grants to Support Women as Mediators at Grassroots Levels

Philippines: N-Peace Grants to Support Women as Mediators at Grassroots Levels

Deadline: 30 September 2019

The N-Peace Network is currently accepting applications for its 2019 N-Peace Small Grants for Philippines.

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Women currently only make up 16 of the 98 members of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority, indicating a decrease in participation from the signing of the peace agreement which saw women make up 32 per cent of the negotiators and 25 per cent of the total signatories. In order to revitalize momentum in inclusion of women to rise to meet current and future peace challenges, this year’s call for N-Peace CSO Grants will aim to support women as mediators at grassroots levels for increased efforts in promotion of social cohesion, the prevention of violent extremism and meaningful inclusion in newly formed governance structures.

Grant Categories

  • Training and Capacity Building Of Women Mediators
    • Off the heels of women’s inclusion as negotiators and signatories for the Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro, mediation remains a position in which women’s presence is lacking. The peace process saw no women participating in formal mediation roles, in spite of their presence in informal capacities. Organizations must be able to develop a framework that will mobilize women at a community level as mediators for greater social cohesion, against the spread of violent extremism and/or implementation re-integration and rehabilitation methodologies for returnees.
    • The proposed initiative must:
      • Articulate the tools that will be used to engage women at the local level;
      • Identify points of tension within an outlined community and develop clear training framework for capacity training on mediation;
      • Interventions must address context specific social cohesion concerns, for example, intersectional treatment of marginalized groups, violent extremism, and land ownership; and
      • Have local and provincial communities as the key beneficiaries.
  • Case Studies of Women Mediators
    • This category will support initiatives working to document and share best practices of women’s inclusion at a community level. Organizations must be able to illustrate research methodologies which engage entire communities on the impact of women’s participation in decision-making and conflict resolution. The aim of the documentation should be to illustrate how women as mediators and leaders results in social cohesion and builds resilience for sustainable peace.
    • The proposed initiative must further:
      • Identify case studies illustrating the inherent benefits of women’s leadership in development of social cohesion;
      • Develop platforms for knowledge sharing of case studies and best practices;
      • Demonstrate how case studies will strengthening women’s leadership roles;
      • In framing the case studies, explore gender specific challenges; and
      • Have identifiable key beneficiaries.
  • Advocacy Support for Policy Recommendations for Engagement of Women as Mediators
    • This category recognizes the need to sustained advocacy support to ensure that women’s voices are reflected in policies of newly formed governance structures. Organizations must be able to demonstrate framework for advocacy support will directly impact policy and legal recommendations.
    • The proposed initiative must further:
      • Clearly define policies and laws to be explored;
      • Identify potential areas of engagement with women mediators and their respective networks;
      • Demonstrate clear link between advocacy efforts and defined policies;
      • Address the Women, Peace and Security concerns within the policy, for example women’s financial inclusion, gender-based violence, and social cohesion; and
      • Have key beneficiaries of the project at both local and national levels.

Grant Information

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Grant request should be between USD $5,000 – USD $ 10,000.


Duration of grant agreement: 5 months (October 2019-February 2020).

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Eligibility Criteria

CSOs who demonstrate competency in the following areas are eligible to apply:

  • Legal Status: logo/ status in Philippines.
  • Mandate, policies and governance: CSOs that are under a not-for-profit mandate, have a clear organizational structure and share UNDPs principles of human development, particularly the principles of equality and non-discrimination;
  • Constituency and external support: Clear constituency and proof of partnerships with other CSOs, private sector or governments;
  • Capacity for Project Management: Technical, managerial, administrative and financial capacity to implement the project.

How to Apply

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Interested applicants must fill the nomination form, send with the proof of legal status and the CVs via email at the address given on the website.

For more information, please visit http://n-peace.net/cso-grants/philippines/


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