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TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences 2021 for Research Groups (Up to USD $30,000)

Grants Opportunities

TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences 2021 for Research Groups (Up to USD $30,000)



Deadline: April 14, 2021

Applications are open for the TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences 2021 for Research Groups. The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences was established in response to the needs of researchers in developing countries, particularly those attached to institutions that lack appropriate research facilities.

Under this scheme, grants can be awarded for research projects in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics either to individual young researchers or to research units in the Science and Technology Lagging countries (S&TLC) identified by TWAS, to enable them to purchase the research facilities they need to enhance their productivity.

The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences aims to:


  • Research Grants to research units amount to a maximum of USD $30,000.



The deadline for receiving applications is April 14, 2021. It is strongly recommended that you do not wait until the deadline but submit the application as early as you can to enable TWAS to process your application as quickly as possible.Click here to apply