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School Arts Experience Grant Program(US)

School Arts Experience Grant Program (US)

Deadline: 1-Aug-22

The Iowa Arts Council is seeking applications for the School Arts Experience Grant Program to present fine arts activities, performances, and educational content that expand learning opportunities for Iowa K-12 students.

School Arts Experience Grants provide support to schools, professional teaching artists, and non-profit organizations to strengthen the role of the arts in student learning and achievement.

The School Arts Experience Grant program supports the presentation of innovative fine arts activities, performances, and educational content that expand learning opportunities for Iowa K-12 students in and outside of the classroom. The program provides support to schools, professional teaching artists, and non-profit organizations to strengthen the role of the arts in student learning and achievement.

Funding for the School Arts Experience Grant program is made possible by an annual appropriation from the Iowa Legislature to the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Funding Information

Applicants may request funding for eligible one-time project expenses that are incurred and expended within the eligible funding period.
Minimum Grant Request: $500
Maximum Grant Request: $2,500
Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants must be one of the following types of entities. Entities who do not meet these requirements are not eligible to apply:
Public and private non-profit 501(c)3 schools or school districts that serve grades K through 12 and are physically located in Iowa whose primary orientation, mission, and purpose is education and the awarding of academic credits.
School districts and school foundations are eligible to apply for the same project on behalf of multiple schools within their district. For example, the proposed project could serve all 4th graders within the district.
Federally tax-exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations incorporated and physically located in Iowa
The physical location of the organization is defined as maintaining a current home office and registered agent address in Iowa defined by Iowa Code 490.501 as well as maintaining a primary staff presence physically located and working in Iowa
Entities located in a border community may be eligible under the Border State Policy
Entities not yet formally organized may be eligible under the Fiscal Agent Policy
Professional individual teaching artist, including visual or performing artist, filmmaker, musician, or creative writer
Current, full-time Iowa resident with a permanent address in Iowa
Legal Iowa resident
18 years of age or older
An application must support a project that is initiated, produced, and/or managed by the individual teaching artist, not another entity or organization
Individuals who seek funding on behalf of programs or entities that are not yet formally organized as a nonprofit must apply as an organization and adhere to the Fiscal Agent Policy
Applicants who represent an artist collective, artist team, or band must apply as an individual on behalf of the group and clearly state their individual role in the project proposal as the individual will be legally obligated to the terms of the grant agreement
For more information, visit https://iowaculture.gov/about-us/about/grants/school-arts-experience-grant


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