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New Year grants for NGO Projects with key strategies on achieving AIDS-free generation in Africa

New Year grants for NGO Projects with key strategies on achieving AIDS-free generation in Africa

Learn about new grant opportunities seeking potential projects to help achieve AIDS-free generation in 2022
Deadline: 24-Jan-22

Expertise France is calling for proposals that focus on HIV, HPV, and Associated Cancers to support operational research projects to test innovative strategies to improve access to, and the quality and efficiency of early diagnostic, prevention, and treatment services of Human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancers in people living with HIV (PLHIV).

The linkages between HIV, the human papillomavirus and associated cancers are now well established: people who are immunocompromised are more likely to have a persistent HPV infection, which may progress more quickly to precancerous lesions or cancer. Cancers associated with HPV are preventable diseases. They are also curable if detected early and treated effectively. However, in low-income countries, access to preventive measures is limited and cancers caused by HPV are often not identified until they have reached an advanced stage. This has a significant impact on the survival rate of patients, as access to treatment at an advanced stage of the disease (e.g. cancer surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy) is also very limited in these contexts.

Against this backdrop, Projects will aim in particular to:

Ensure the widespread integration of HPV screening and early management of precancerous lesions in sexual and reproductive health consultations, as well as in routine follow-up for PLHIV.
Ensure the widespread introduction of diagnostic tests based on the most promising new technologies (molecular tests, other new tests and self-sampling devices, point of care).
Assess the feasibility of different management methods for all cancers associated with HPV (laser, thermal ablation, cryotherapy, etc.) in a decentralized context.
Promote the HPV vaccination among adolescents and young adults, and particularly among key populations (MSM, sex workers).
Funding Information
The total grant amount from L’Initiative must cover at least 50% of the project budget and be between €500,000 and €1,500,000.
Projects must be between 24 and 48 months
Geographic Coverage
Projects may be implemented in one or more countries. Projects must not exceed three implementation countries unless they are backed by a network or a pre-existing regional non-governmental organization. In these cases, projects must not exceed five implementing countries. Multi-country projects must be part of a clearly justified regional dynamic.

Eligibility Criteria
There are three potential types of project involvement under this call for proposals:

The “lead applicant” is the organization that submits the letter of intent and fills in the complete proposal if pre-selected. Lead applicants are the sole recipients of L’Initiative grants.
“Implementing partners” are involved in the design and implementation of the project and the lead applicant delegates a part of the budget to them.
“Associated stakeholders” are other organizations linked to the project but that do not receive a part of the budget (other donors, beneficiaries, national institutions, etc.).
For more information, visit https://www.initiative5pour100.fr/en/projet/2022-operational-research-hiv-hpv-and-associated-cancers


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