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Emergency Management Non-Structural Mitigation and Preparedness Program is now open for Applications – Canada


Emergency Management Non-Structural Mitigation and Preparedness Program is now open for Applications – Canada

Deadline: 1 November 2019

Government of Canada is seeking applications for its “Emergency Management Non-Structural Mitigation and Preparedness Program” that supports the building of First Nations’ capacity, knowledge and skills so First Nations communities are better prepared for and able to mitigate against disasters.

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This call for applications prioritizes the support of local efforts in non-structural mitigation and emergency preparedness through small-scale projects. This includes emergency preparedness and mitigation against natural disasters like:

  • flooding
  • landslides
  • tsunamis
  • severe weather


Examples of activities supported through this program include:

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  • Emergency management programming (training and plan development)
    • First Nation communities can build and enhance their emergency management capabilities on reserve through activities such as emergency management training, all hazard risk assessments, emergency management response and evacuation plan reviews and updates, table top exercises that test and revise emergency response plans, community awareness of emergency management risks and response plans, collaboration with neighbouring communities, and authorities.
  • Non-structural mitigation and preparedness measures
    • First Nation communities can consider mitigating against disasters through non-structural efforts such as flood plain mapping, environmental studies and landslide studies
  • Emergency management forums
    • First Nation organizations can plan and host regional forums on emergency management. Forums can focus on a specific aspect of emergency management, as prioritized by the regional First Nations, such as flood preparation and information sharing, or be more general such as all-hazard emergency management.

Eligibility Criteria

  • First Nations communities
  • Tribal councils
  • Indigenous organizations

How to Apply

Applicants can apply via given website.

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