The application process for different GPE grants vary according to the type of grant.
Sector plan and program development grants can be requested at any time. Program implementation grants and Multiplier grants follow a specific calendar with several steps for applicants to provide documentation and for GPE to review and respond.
Knowledge and innovation grants and advocacy and social accountability grants have their own calendars.
Program implementation grants
These grants include both education sector program implementation grants (ESPIG) and GPE Multiplier grants. Note that steps 1 and 2 in the calendar below don’t apply to Multiplier grants.
Step | Application rounds | ||
Jul 2020 | Oct 2020 | Jan 2021 | |
The matrix, which shows a country’s readiness to fulfill the requirements for an implementation grant, is submitted to the GPE Secretariat. This is submitted at the time of the expression of interest for Multiplier grants.1. Submit requirement matrix | Jan 22, 2020 | March 25, 2020 | Aug 7, 2020 |
The outline includes a description of the fixed and variable parts. »>The program outline, which shows what the country will implement with the grant, is submitted to the GPE Secretariat. The outline includes a description of the fixed and variable parts.2. Submit program outline | 10 to 12 weeks prior to submission of the draft program document (step 6) | ||
program outline and requirement matrix to assess the country’s readiness to access the grant, the scope of work in the program and the fit with GPE’s objectives. »>The GPE Secretariat finalizes the review of the program outline and requirement matrix to assess the country’s readiness to access the grant, the scope of work in the program and the fit with GPE’s objectives.3. Complete phase 1 of quality assurance review | Mar 13, 2020 | Jun 9, 2020 | Sep 11, 2020 |
In some cases, the GPC reviews the requirement matrices and sends feedback to the applicants.4. Grant and Performance Committee meeting | Apr 15-17, 2020 | Jun 15-17, 2020 | Oct 26-28, 2020 |
The ESP package including appraisal and endorsement is submitted to the GPE Secretariat5. Submit education sector plan package | Apr 28, 2020 | Jul 22, 2020 | Oct 23, 2020 |
The program document, including a results framework and detailed draft budget, is submitted to the GPE Secretariat.6. Submit draft program document | May 13, 2020 | Aug 7, 2020 | Nov 2, 2020 |
standards and follows variable part criteria if applicable. »>The GPE Secretariat finalizes the review of the draft program document to ensure it is grounded in quality standards and follows variable part criteria if applicable.7. Complete phase 2 of quality assurance review | Jun 15, 2020 | Sep 9, 2020 | Dec 2, 2020 |
The application package is submitted to the GPE Secretariat for review.8. Submit final application | Jul 28, 2020 | Oct 15, 2020 | Jan 26, 2021 |
The GPE Secretariat’s CEO makes a decision for grants of US$10 million or less.9. CEO allocation decision | Early-mid Sep 2020 | End Nov/early Dec 2020 | Mid-March 2021 |
The GPC reviews the application package and makes decisions or recommendations to the Board.10. Grant and Performance Committee meeting | Oct 26-28, 2020 | Jan 26-28, 2021 | Apr 20-22, 2021 |
The GPC finalizes and announces its decisions on grants of more than US$10 million but less than or equal to US$25 million.11. GPC allocation decision | Late Oct/early Nov 2020 | Mid-February 2021 | Early/mid-May 2021 |
The Board makes decisions on grant applications by affirmative vote for grants above US$25 million.12. Board allocation decision | Mid Nov 2020 | Early/Mid March 2021 | Late May 2021 |
The requirement matrix
- A matrix summarizing the country’s readiness to fulfill the below requirements should be submitted to the Secretariat as a basis for the first phase of the quality assurance review and also for feedback from the Grant and Performance Committee.
- Requirement 1: A credible, endorsed education sector plan (ESP), or alternatively, a transitional education plan (TEP) in countries affected by fragility and conflict.
- Requirement 2: Evidence of commitment to finance the endorsed ESP or TEP. This requirement has two elements: (a) government commitment and (b) development partner’s commitment.
- Requirement 3: The availability of critical data and evidence for planning, budgeting, managing, monitoring and accountability or alternatively, a strategy to develop capacity to produce and effectively use critical data. The requirement is divided into three sub-components concerning the availability of (a) an education sector analysis, (b) basic financial and education data and (c) a system or mechanisms to monitor learning outcomes.
- Domestic education financing worksheet (supplement to the requirements matrix).
ESP package
Required documents:
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Commandez Maintenant- A credible ESP/TEP, including a costed multi-year implementation plan, covering at least the first two years of the grant cycle if eligible and applying for the education sector program implementation grant (ESPIG)
- The final report on the ESP/TEP appraisal conducted by independent reviewer(s) and commissioned by the development partners of the local education group
- An appraisal report memo providing a brief summary of how the recommendations from the appraisal report have been addressed in the final ESP or TEP
- The approval of the ESP/TEP by the Government, including the commitment to finance the ESP or TEP
- An endorsement letter by the development partners, including to finance the ESP or TEP.
Draft program document and supporting documents
The draft program document and supporting documents should be submitted to the Secretariat to facilitate the Secretariat’s quality assurance review (QAR) process. The following documents should be submitted:
- Draft ESPIG application form
- Draft program document prepared for GPE funding, or other appropriate documents for budget support or pooled funds
- Latest report on implementation or completion of previous grant where applicable
- Joint financing agreement, where available
- Any other supporting documents.
Applying for GPE’s variable part
Additionally, if the country wishes to apply for the variable part of the maximum country allocation (MCA), the package submitted for the Secretariat’s QAR process should also include:
- A description of the indicators and targets proposed for the results-based variable part of the MCA, as well as the theory of change and results chain describing how progress on these indicators will lead to transformational change in the areas of equity, efficiency and learning outcomes.
- Explanation of how the indicators are anchored in the ESP.
- Information on how the assessment will be done once the targets are met, including the means of verification (for example third party monitoring) and the disbursement schedule and share of disbursement by indicator.
- How the variable part disbursements will be used, e.g. integrated in sector budget support, a pooled fund, or allocated to which components or activities of the fixed part of the grant or other ESP activity. The variable part disbursements may or may not be an integral part of the fixed part activities.
- If relevant, justification for applying for an ex-ante approach for pre-approval.
Final application package
Required documents:
- ESPIG application form
- Program document prepared for ESPIG funding or other appropriate documents for budget support or pooled funds
- QAR phase II memo (brief summary of how the QAR II recommendations have been addressed in the final application package)
- Latest report on implementation or completion of ongoing/previous grant, where applicable.
Supporting documents:
Countries that have already provided the first two documents below at an earlier stage will not need to resubmit the documents a second time:
- ESP | TEP package
- ESP annual implementation report, as available
- Joint sector review reports for the past two to three years, as available
- Draft grant agreement, where applicable and if available.
Sector plan development grants
Eligible countries can submit applications for education sector plan development grants (ESPDGs) at any time.
The government of the eligible country signs and submits the application together with the required documents to the GPE Secretariat at [email protected], copying the coordinating agency, the grant agent and the GPE country lead.
The ESPDG application package consists of:
- Completed ESPDG application form
- Concept note including terms of reference in annex on technical assistance
- Roadmap for ESP /TEP development, including timeline and budget for the ESPDG
- Minutes of the local education group meeting during which the application was endorsed.
- Minutes of the local education group meeting during which the ESPDG grant agent was nominated.
- In case a current education plan is envisioned for review with ESPDG support, a copy of the current ESP or TEP should be submitted with the application.
- If the local education group wishes to submit any additional documents for consideration, these can be attached in the email when submitting the application.
Program development grants
Eligible countries can submit applications for program development grants (PDGs) at any time.
The grant agent prepares and submits the application, signed by the coordinating agency, together with the required documents to the GPE Secretariat at [email protected]. The government of the eligible country must also sign off on the application.
The PDG application package consists of:
- Completed PDG application form
- Budget template
- If the grant agent wishes to submit any additional documents for consideration, these can be attached in the email when submitting the application.
Advocacy and social accountability grants
Applications for Education Out Loud grants are managed by OXFAM Ibis. Eligibility requirements and timelines to submit proposals for funding can be found on the Educationt Out Loud site.
Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) grants
Applications for KIX global and regional grants are managed by the IDRC and support research, peer learning and exchanges in partner countries. Global grant applications closed in October 2019.