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Community Arts Development Grants (United States)

Community Arts Development Grants (United States)

Deadline: 1-Jun-22

The Alaska State Council on the Arts (ASCA) is seeking application for Community Arts Development Grants to assist small nonprofit Alaskan organizations in developing art programs in underserved areas of the state and/or underserved disciplines.

Exhibits, concerts, dance performances and festivals, workshops, readings, theater productions are examples of the kinds of arts projects funded through this grant category. Grants will also be given to assist developing organizations in the area of arts administration such as board development, accounting systems and budget development.

Priority will be given to those organizations that operate on a volunteer basis with no paid staff.

Programs and grants address the following goals, based on the ASCA 2015-2020 Strategic Plan:

Build an Alaskan arts and culture sector for the future
Illustrate the value of the arts through arts-integrated approaches
Grow Alaska’s creative economy and develop the workforce of tomorrow
Enable all Alaskans to lead expressive lives
Strengthen ASCA’s role as a cultural policy leader in the state and locally
Funding Information
Grant awards will not exceed $5000.
Eligibility Criteria
The Council awards funds to Alaskan 501(c) (3) nonprofit organizations, schools, government agencies, Alaska Native tribes and individuals. If an organization has not attained tax exempt status they may be eligible for sponsorship by a qualified organization in select grant categories. The applicant organization must demonstrate a close working relationship with the sponsoring organization, and the sponsoring organization must agree to accept financial responsibility.
The Council approves all grants. Some grant applications are reviewed and rated by a panel of Alaskan citizens, artists, and arts patrons in advance of Council final approval. All grants are evaluated in accordance with published criteria.
The Alaska State Council on the Arts operates on the State of Alaska fiscal year, which begins July 1 and ends June 30. All funds must be expended within the fiscal year the grant is awarded. Specific requirements are itemized in the application instructions for each grant.
The Alaska State Council on the Arts and its grant recipients are required to abide by federal regulations which bar discrimination based on race, color, national origin or gender and require accessibility for persons with disabilities. Ethnic and cultural-based organizations are encouraged to apply to all grants programs.
For more information, visit https://arts.alaska.gov/grants-to-organizations

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