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Australia Council offering Arts Projects Grant Program to Organizations


Australia Council offering Arts Projects Grant Program to Organizations

Deadline: 4 February 2020

The Australia Council for the Arts is accepting applications for a program entitled “Arts Projects – Organisations” to deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including national and international audiences.

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Grant Information

  • Grants are available from $10,000 to $100,000.
  • Supported activities must last no longer than 2 years from the proposed start date.


Applicants can apply for a range of activities:

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  • the creation of new work
  • arts practice based research
  • creative development
  • professional skills development
  • experimentation
  • collaborations
  • touring
  • festivals
  • productions
  • exhibitions
  • performances
  • publishing
  • recording
  • services to develop the arts sector
  • promotion and marketing
  • market development activity

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only organisations may apply to this category. Organisations that provide a service to the arts are welcome to apply. International organisations can apply for projects that benefit practicing Australian artists or their work.
  • Applications for funding to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander panel must come from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

How to Apply

Interested applicants must apply online via given website.

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Eligible Country: Australia

For more information, please visit