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Applications Open for Barakat Trust’s Grant Programme 2020


Applications Open for Barakat Trust’s Grant Programme 2020

Deadline: 31 March 2020

The Barakat Trust is seeking applications for its Grant Programme 2020 to support and promote the study and preservation of Islamic art, heritage, architecture and culture for future generations.

10+ Funders for Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
10+ Global Donors for Improving Lives of Children in Poor Countries
10+ Donors that believe in building NGO capacities for Civil Society Development
15+ Donors for Saving the Planet: Grants for Environment, Conservation and Wildlife
The Barakat Trust was founded as a UK charity in 1987 and operates for educational and heritage purposes focusing on the heritage of the Islamic world. They provide scholarships and grants for study and research projects at the world’s most respected academic and cultural institutions at post-graduate and post-doctoral level. They support conservation and documentation work, travel for research and education, training programmes, including the training of conservation professionals and curators.

Scope of Awards

The Barakat Trust awards are open to applicants worldwide in the fields of:

20+ Donors standing up for Human Rights and Equality
10+ International Donors seeking to improve Access to Water, Hygiene and Sanitation
20+ Global Donors for Empowering Women and Girls
25+ Donors for the Empowerment of Youth
research into the history of the art and architecture, and the archaeology and material culture of Islamic societies, including archaeological and other fieldwork, and research trips;
the conservation, preservation, restoration, and presentation to the public of artefacts, buildings and archaeological sites produced by Islamic societies;
the work of libraries, museums and other public collections in the conservation, documentation, and presentation of artefacts and manuscripts produced by Islamic societies in their broadest sense, including the digitisation of archives and collections, and the training of conservation and curatorial staff;
the organisation of events intended to further research in the history of the art, architecture, archaeology, and material culture of Islamic societies, including colloquia and conferences, lectures, seminars and workshops, exhibitions, and attendance at such events;
The Academic Advisory Committee annually defines the categories and values of awards within which applications may be made, and retains the right to adjust the number and value of awards, according to the funds available and the quality and quantity of applications received.
Eligibility Criteria

The Trust fund individual and institutional efforts to promote and preserve artistic culture and heritage related to the Islamic world as outlined in our Scope of Awards.
While they have a long track record of supporting projects and initiatives driven by individuals, including but not limited to research trips, publications, and training opportunities, individuals applying for grants from The Barakat Trust need to identify an institution to which grant monies can be transferred on their behalf.
They cannot make transfers to personal bank accounts, but are strongly committed to the support of individual professional development and projects led by individuals.
Institutions to which they can transfer funds include

Registered Charities
Registered Community Interest Companies
Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisations
Social enterprises
Education Institution including Universities
Museums, Libraries and Archives
For more information, visit