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2021 Park City Climate Fund Grant – United States

2021 Park City Climate Fund Grant – United States

Deadline: 1-Oct-21

Park City Community Foundation 2021 Climate Fund seeks applications for high-impact projects that address the most urgent and pressing areas of climate work in the greater Park City region.

The Park City Climate Fund aims to engage climate work champions and innovators in greater Park City to implement local climate solutions that can demonstrate high impact in the areas of climate work, and that have the potential to be replicated by other communities, especially Mountain Towns 2030 (mt2030.org) communities.

Focus Areas

The Park City Climate Fund will prioritize projects surrounding the 4 solution areas:

Reduction of Emission Sources: The solutions represent efforts to bring sources of emissions to zero. Emission Sources include electricity production via fossil fuel, food waste, agriculture & land use, industry, transportation, residential & commercial buildings, and landfill material.
Al ternative energy generation
Transportation energy alternatives & efficiencies
Residential or commercial building – alternative energy, consumption reduction, waste reduction, refrigerant mitigation.
Managed grazing practices
Food waste reduction and shifting to plant-rich diets
Smarter industrial material and waste practices
Industrial refrigerant mitigation
Policy efforts – Local, County, or State level policy efforts in support of any of these z ero-emission solutions.
Support of Natural Carbon Land Sinks: Land sinks – soils and vegetation – currently sequester 24-26% of human-made emissions. The solutions preserve, expand, and enhance the land’s natural capacity to sequester carbon.
Improv ed agriculture / Land use practices
Ecosystem protection & restoration
Food waste reduction and shifting to plant-rich diets
Reviving degraded, non-agricultural land
Policy efforts – Local, county or state level policy efforts in support of any of th ese land sink support solutions.
Transformative Community Education & Outreach: This area of climate work focuses on empowering individuals to adopt new and climate-centric mindsets and behaviors. The focus of the outreach may involve the climate solutions but is not limited by this list.
Energy use conservation
Land sink support
Recycling / Waste consciousness
Environmental justice
Youth empowerment
Environm ental policy education
Innovative Solutions: Park City Climate Fund is aligned with local and regional goals to achieve net neutrality by 2030. Climate solutions 1, 2, and 3 above are considered the most pressing and time-sensitive areas of focus in the community. This 4th area of focus is reserved to support forward-thinking ideas which warrant exploration and testing given potential impact. Innovative ideas may include but are not limited to technology, systems, or upstarts aimed at reducing emissions, sequestering carbon, or community education to build consciousness and adoption of new behaviors.
Funding Information

The total amount currently available in this grant round is $ 250,000. The grants committee reserves the right to make grants smaller or larger than the amounts requested by applicants or to not make any grants at all if no projects are selected for funding.
This Fund intends to target projects with significant impact, historically, grant awards have ranged from $ 10,000 to $ 75,000 per project. Applicants may request any amount, whether it is within, less than, or higher than that range.
Geographic Parameters

The Park City Climate Fund will prioritize projects that focus on the greater Park City area (including Summit County and adjacent areas).
Eligibility Criteria

Nonprofit organizations, businesses, government entities, and coalitions and / or partnerships of the groups are eligible to apply.
Grants made to entities that are not 501 (c) (3) public charities may include supplementa l reporting requirements.
For more information, visit https://parkcitycf.org/for-nonprofits/apply-for-a-grant/apply-to-park-city-climate-fund/

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