UNICEF recruits 01 International Consultant
International Consultant – To conduct a Situation Analysis of Children in Guinea-Bissau
Job Number: 523810 | Vacancy Link
Locations: Africa: Guinea-Bissau
Work Type : Consultancy
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.
Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.
And we never give up.
For every child, a champion
UNICEF Guinea-Bissau conducted a Situation Analysis (SitAn) in 2015 which informed the formulation of the Country Programme (CP) 2016-2020. Since then, there have been changes in the country socio-economic and political context. Despite efforts by the UN and the international community, the country has experienced a long political crisis between 2016 and 2018, while economic developments have been erratic following performance in production and export of cashew nuts. Slow progress in child rights and improving child wellbeing was observed in a social development context marked by recurrent social tensions including strikes and protests.
It will also form the basis for the development of a new UNICEF-Guinea-Bissau Country Programme Document (CPD) for 2021-2025. A high quality SitAn will contribute to the UN Common Country Assessment (CCA) and ensure that development priorities related to children’s rights are addressed in the new UN-Guinea-Bissau Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025.
The SitAn is being planned in close collaboration with the Government of Guinea-Bissau.
The purpose of the consultancy is to support UNICEF Country Office and its partners to develop an objective and verifiable analysis of the situation of children in Guinea-Bissau, which will be used by all partners in addressing key challenges preventing children, especially the most disadvantaged, from enjoying their rights as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other international legal instruments to which the country is party.
Specific objectives:
Establish a strong understanding of the country context and the current situation of children by conducting a secondary analysis of the demographic profile, political, economic and governance, humanitarian risk profile, gender profile, public finance, poverty, drives of inequality, stakeholders, business, Country Assessment of Essential Products, Markets and Supply Chains for Children, and Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards key child development issues.
Analysing children’s rights progress and current status of children and adolescents’ development disaggregated by age, gender, urban/rural, ethnicity, disability, wealth and other relevant factors.
Identify any new trends, patterns, incidence and causes of key deprivations and patterns of vulnerability, disaggregated by relevant segments of the population using available data and other information.
Identify and analyse key barriers and bottlenecks that prevent disadvantaged girls, boys and families from benefiting from required interventions and services. The immediate underlying and root causes should be examined including the social, political and economic conditions and gender norms that result in shortfalls in the creation of an enabling environment for the realization of children’s rights.
Analyse the extent to which gender inequalities and the fulfilment/non-fulfilment of the rights of women affect overall inequalities and deprivations, including those affecting children.
Assess the current or potential presence of risks, including conflict, natural hazards, existing and future hazards from climate change and other potential shocks; the likelihood of their occurrence, the underlying vulnerabilities, the nature of the hazard and the particularly vulnerable groups that will be affected. The capacities and coping mechanisms of women and men, families, communities, local and national institutions to mitigate these risks and deal with shocks should also be assessed.
Analyse the extent to which the evidence-based interventions and services needed to address vulnerabilities are prioritized in national policies, laws, strategies, plans and budgets, and supported by UNICEF and partners. This would include an analysis of the extent to which there is an enabling environment for the realization of the rights of all children including the promotion of positive social norms and behaviours, transformation of gender norms, organization of services, institutional capacities at national, sub-national and community levels.
The SitAn should reflect any new developments and changes in the programming context of Guinea-Bissau and relevant sectoral (i.e. Health, Nutrition, Education, WASH, Social and Child Protection) and cross-cutting issues (i.e. Disabilities, Gender, Participation, Social Inclusion etc.).
It should also draw out what are the key advocacy messages which might eventually feed into what policies might be needed to address the issues raised. It should focus on the enabling environment, for example policies, legislation, budget, expenditure, on the supply side, for example availability and access to services, and on the demand side, cultural practices and beliefs
It should finally include evidence-based recommendations for improving data availability and analysis concerning rights of children. Such recommendations should also consider potential innovative actions and highlight opportunities for strategic partnerships for leveraging political and economic will for the most disadvantaged children and their families.
At the heart of the analysis is a conceptual framework which establishes the causality between the causes, opportunities and barriers to achieving child rights and wellbeing, and provides an understanding of the existing deprivations and inequities. The framework situates the analysis in the country context with a clear recognition of regional and global issues that are impacting children’s lives in the country. It explores the reasons behind the uneven realization of child rights, inequities in wellbeing and the opportunities to achieve progress for all children, especially those who are left behind or most at risk of being left behind.
The following table outlines the specific questions in the conceptual framework. Some of these questions might need to be further unpacked depending on the country context or how the analysis is designed.
Framework: Child rights and wellbeing: progress and inequities
What progress has been made so far in achieving children’s rights and wellbeing?
Has progress been unequal? How large or deep are the disparities in the realization of child rights and wellbeing?
Who are the groups left behind or most at risk of being left behind?
Framework: Causes, challenges and risks
What factors have contributed to the realization of child rights and wellbeing?
What are the top factors (prioritization is key here) that prevent the realization of child rights and wellbeing?
What top factors drive inequities in the realization of child rights and wellbeing?
What barriers do children, especially the most vulnerable, face to access lifesaving commodities and services?
What are the main risks that could prevent the realization of child rights and wellbeing, or exacerbate inequities? (Different types of risks should be explored here including, hazards, shocks, stress, exposure, vulnerability, capacity etc)
Who are the stakeholders that can play a role in achieving child rights and wellbeing?
Framework: Country overview
How does the country context contribute to child rights and wellbeing? Conversely, what macro factors prevent their realization and/or exacerbate inequities?
Framework: Global and regional issues
Are there global and regional issues that impact child rights and wellbeing? (The analysis should focus on keys issues that have been identified to tackle by the Key Result for Children)
How does the realization of child rights and wellbeing contribute towards the achievement of the KRC and SDGs in the country? (The analysis should focus here on the contribution on the country to the KRCs and subsequently the KRCs to the SDGs)
A number of studies, surveys, assessments and evaluations have been completed in different areas related to the rights of children in Guinea-Bissau since the last SitAn was conducted in 2015. It is expected that the international expert will synthesize all new relevant information from research, surveys, analytical reports, management information systems and national policies and legislation into SitAn.
Below is a brief outline of an indicative methodology for conducting the situation analysis. The consultant is required to propose a more precise scope and methodology. UNICEF guidance on conducting a situation analysis is recommended as a reference for this purpose. Five Minimum SitAn requirements are also provided in an annex to this ToR.
The consultant will consolidate the knowledge on children and primarily rely on secondary data analysis, with limited primary data collection from major duty-bearers for child rights. This will specifically include:
Desk review of existing data and evidence on selected topics published in studies, research and survey reports. The desk review should analyze trends and child outcomes in the selected focus areas to enable the in-depth understanding of key social, cultural and economic issue.
Comparative analysis of available legislation, social policy, government strategies and budget allocation and analysis of public expenditure documents in conformity with provisions of the CRC, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, CEDAW and the Universal Periodic Review.
Background notes on specific topics where UNICEF and other actors working with and for children do not have or have limited knowledge for a comprehensive Situation Analysis (e.g. disabilities; gender analysis of disparities; and, adolescent participation and civic engagement)
Key informants consultations with those who shape and implement public policies, but also the beneficiaries – group of women, group of traditional leaders, group of children, youth etc (focus groups and interviews during in-country visits). The participative and consultative part will be an important component of the methodology.
The consolidation of the Knowledge on children, to be done by the consultant, should be based on a triangulation between: National data sources, Global data sources, Alternative data sources with regards to their validation and acceptability.
An important added value should be provided appropriately to the intended analysis in those perspectives:
The use of data from risk analysis and findings from research and evaluations to present a complete and rigorous analysis of children’s rights and well-being.
The use of research includes peer-reviewed work or other studies, providing that these are from recognized and credible sources. It is important to draw on existing research and evaluations to create a rigorous and complete analysis.
Reports by government, civil society, business analysts and academia are also useful sources of information. State reports and stakeholder submissions to international institutions, including the international human rights mechanisms (Universal Periodic Review, Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures) and recommendations from these, provide an important and authoritative source of information on the groups most at risk of being left behind and on the distributional impacts of policies and programmes.
Recommendations and Concluding Observations, accessible at the Universal Human Rights Index, can be a basis for completing and updating the analysis.
The situation analysis can also use findings from country or cross-country evaluations (including the country in question) to support the analysis.
The consultancy and its approach will be informed by UNICEF Guidance on Conducting a Situation Analysis of Children’s and Women’s Rights. Taking a right based, equity focused approach to Situation Analysis (March 2012) and the Core Guidance: New Generation of Situation Analysis (March 2019).
The consultancy will focus on the organizational guidance as key reference to undertake the following, in close consultation with the Country Office. The key assignments and deliverables are as follow:
Key Activities and tasks:
Inception report based on the TOR. (Remote)
Develop and submit an inception report summarizing key methodologies and timeframe for:
Reviewing the UNICEF’s updated Situation Analysis Guideline and toolkits.
Consolidation of the Knowledge on children: collecting and mapping available data and information, publications on social economic, as well as children and women in Guinea-Bissau
preparing a SitAn inception report which summarizes:
conceptual and analysis framework;
availability of data sources, clustered by thematic focus areas;
information gap analysis;
Outline of the Report, and
schedule of activities and timeline.
Inception Report
Estimated timeframe:
7 days, by End-August
Key Activities and tasks
Desk review: Data collection and 1st draft report. (Remote)
Conduct desk review based on relevant source documents (Annex C) to produce draft overview of socioeconomic and political context.
Undertake remote interviews with country office staff on general changes in trends, and situation in the programming environment with a highlight on the situation the situation of the KRCs. In particular the engaged KRCs: KRC1, KRC3, KRC7, KRC8.
Prepare and submit first draft of the SitAn report for review. Include in the report a section on the KRCs update for the country.
In country visit to interview relevant government organizations and CSOs to collect more data.
Conduct a dialogue and consultation with adolescents and people with disabilities.
Conduct a consultation with government and civil society partners.
1st draft report
Estimated timeframe:
18 days, by end September
Key Activities and tasks
Consultation and dialogue with stakeholders to gather more information (Bissau)
In country visit to interview relevant government organizations and CSOs to collect more data.
Conduct a dialogue and consultation with adolescents and people with disabilities.
Conduct a consultation with government and civil society partners.
1st In-country visit
Estimated timeframe:
10 days, early-mid October
Key Activities and tasks
Second draft submitted (Bissau)
Produce second draft of the SitAn report integrating inputs from the consultations and dialogues with stakeholders and comments on the first draft.
2nd draft SitAn Report
Estimated timeframe:
5 days
Key Activities and tasks
Validation workshop with partners (Bissau)
Presentation of the SitAn report to partners for validation
A PowerPoint Presentation
Estimated timeframe:
5 days, by End October
Key Activities and tasks
Finalization of SitAn Report (Remote)
Review the report with comments from validation workshop and
Submit the final SitAn Report and other products
Final SitAn Report (Final ppt presentation
A Brief Summary document for policy makers (within 5 pages)
Estimated timeframe:
5 days, by Mid-November
Total: 50 days
Note: The Country Office’s will have a period of one week to review the report to provide feedback. The consultant must take the feedback and comments into consideration for the final report.
The required background, experience and competencies for the consultant is as follows:
Advanced degree in the social science (sociology, economics, anthropology, development Studies, etc.) or related fields relevant to the assignment;
A minimum of 8 years of professional experience in conducting equity-focused research, socio-economic and human rights-based analysis, and technical assistance to governments and organizations, in the areas of the human rights-based approach to programming (HRBAP), an understanding of the CRC, CEDAW and other relevant frameworks, ability to conduct equity-focused research and analysis;
Proven ability in coordination of research, dialogue and synthesis of complex information in strategic reports.
Knowledge and experience in conducting similar analysis (e.g. equity focused situation analysis), and breadth of knowledge on children and women’s issues.
Demonstrated experience with research and participatory methods
Strong writing and analytical skills for quality report writing (a sample of recent analytical report will be requested)
Strong presentation and communication skills in French (fluency required) and Portuguese or Spanish (an asset);
Strong coordination skills and ability to adhere to deadlines;
Previous work experience with UNICEF in a similar capacity, is an advantages
Other competencies: Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective relationships with national partners.
The Consultant will report to the UNICEF Chief Social Policy and PME in consultation with the Deputy Representative, and work closely with the SitAn Steering Committee, and all other programme professionals.
All materials developed will remain the copyright of UNICEF. UNICEF will be free to adapt and modify them. This ToR is an integral part of the contract signed with the consultant. The penultimate version of the report will also undergo the review of the UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office and potentially an external peer reviewer(s).
Ethical issues:
All interviews, including with children, should adhere to the UNICEF Principle Guidelines for Ethical Reporting on Children and Young People under 18 years old.
The Consultant may not publish or disseminate Reports, data collection tools, collected data or any other documents produced from this consultancy without the express permission of and acknowledgement of UNICEF.
Timeframe and Payment Schedule
The Consultant will work 50 working days for the assignment, over the period of 3 months between Mid-August and Mid-November. The contract will be lasted until end November, to allow for final feedback and adjustments.
As per UNICEF policy, payment is made against approved deliverables.
Scheduled payments payment upon completion of the tasks/activities (deliverables) in the agreed work plan, as following:
1. 20% payment – upon submission of the Deliverable 1: Inception Report
2. 40% payment – upon submission of the 1st draft SitAn report
3. 40% payment – upon submission of the final SitAn report, the Presentation, and the Brief Summary
The Consultant’s fee may be reduced if deliverables are not fulfilled to the required standard.
Administrative issues
The consultant will work remotely, with travel to Guinea-Bissau (estimated 20 days in Guinea-Bissau). Internal travel may be required for data collection and consultations with various stakeholders and will be supported by UNICEF CO.
During the periods in which the Consultant is working remotely, conference/skype calls will be held as required.
The consultant will make his/her own arrangements for the travel. Travel costs for two trips in this consultancy should be estimated and included into the financial proposal to be submitted along with the consultant’s application (lump sum and break down by budget lines) including the requested daily fee. Travel costs shall be calculated based on economy class travel, regardless of the length of travel; costs for accommodation, meals and incidentals shall not exceed applicable daily subsistence allowance (DSA) rates, as promulgated by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC).
Meanwhile, UNICEF will provide logistical support for the in-country trips, such as provision of office space, vehicle for site visits and official meetings, organization and coordination of meetings, interpretation and translation and support with obtaining visa and registration, once in-country.
UNICEF’s core values of Commitment, Diversity and Integrity and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.
View our competency framework at http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/UNICEF_Competencies.pdf
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.
UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.
Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
Closing Date Sun Jul 28 2019 00:55:00 GMT+0100 (Afr. centrale Ouest)