U.S. Mission to the United Kingdom: Future Agricultural Leaders Exchange

U.S. Mission to the United Kingdom: Future Agricultural Leaders Exchange

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Deadline: 2 August 2019

The Embassy of the United States in London is inviting eligible organizations to submit proposals to develop and implement a two- to three-week exchange program on the topic of the U.S. livestock, dairy, and grains industry for young UK farmers, students of agricultural studies, and young people working in industries closely associated with farming in the UK.

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The program should include site visits and meetings in a variety of U.S. locations of interest to the agricultural industry in the United States.  The program will provide a well-rounded introduction to a range of agricultural issues and exploration of U.S. public and private sector approaches.

The implementing partner will be responsible for arranging all program logistics (international and domestic flights, accommodation, and transport) as well as the agenda of meetings, activities, and cultural events. The program should introduce them to the range of diverse agricultural practices in the United States and encourage connections between the next generation of U.S. and UK agricultural leaders as partners in trade, innovation, and exchange in best practices.

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Funding Information

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Strictly subject to the availability of funds, the Embassy of the United States in London expects to select one program implementer for a grant award from $100,000 up to $125,000.

Eligibility Criteria

The following organizations are eligible to apply: – Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations – Public and private educational institutions – Individuals – Public international organizations and governmental institutions.

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How to Apply

Applicants can download the application package via given website.

For more information, please visit https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=317939

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