U.S. Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina: Interethnic Reconciliation and Youth Small Grants Program

U.S. Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina: Interethnic Reconciliation and Youth Small Grants Program

Deadline: 26-Feb-21

The United States Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the Office of Public Affairs, is pleased to announce a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Interethnic Reconciliation and Youth Small Grants Program.

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Early Grant Information for NGOs

This program supports initiatives with the primary goal of promoting peacebuilding, reconciliation, interethnic and intercommunity exchange, collaboration, and joint projects. They are seeking projects and initiatives that clearly develop increased understanding, tolerance and cooperation between the ethnically and geographically diverse communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Proposals should engage youth, belonging to at least one of two specific age ranges: a. ages 10-17 or b. ages 18-25. The Embassy welcomes all innovative proposals aimed at promoting interethnic engagement, reconciliation, and cooperation among youth belonging to different ethnic groups.
Priority Themes
Science, Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment Initiatives Connecting Divided Communities: Bringing together neighboring or nearby communities that have had little contact since the war to improve youth employability by skill development.
Fractured Education/Two Schools Under One Roof: Working with parents and students in schools across entity/ethnic lines to address issues that divide students along ethnic lines. These projects should help remove obstacles to integration in education.
Projects combating disinformation:Bringing young people together across ethnic lines to develop critical thinking, media literacy skills to combat disinformation.
Marginalized Groups: Projects that promote cooperation among marginalized minority groups from different ethnic communities, including (but not limited to) displaced persons, persons with disabilities, socio-economically disadvantaged persons, LGBT persons, Roma, and others.
Funding Information

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Total available funding: USD 250,000;
Award amount: Award may range from USD 5,000 to USD 25,000;
Length of performance period: 12 months.
Priority Areas

Projects that reach out and promote cooperation between youth from different ethnic communities in the following areas:

USD 1 MILLION Grants for Innovative Solutions to combat Water Scarcity

Climate Fund to alleviate energy poverty in Developing Countries

This Request for Applications is open to strengthening the Economic Development Efforts

Grants for African CSOs to implement activities in SGBV, SRHR, HP, and VAWG

Small Research Grants for the improvement of education

This grant-making trust inviting Charities to help Socially Disadvantaged Groups during COVID-19

Support available for NGOs working on social innovation, inclusiveness and sustainability

Advocacy grants to strengthen the voice of communities and grassroots activists

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Funding provided through capital support for community development projects

Endowment Funding of € 25,000 for young people fighting for freedom

Small Grant Fund for protecting endangered animal species

Grant program for transforming women’s lives for hard to fund projects

Seed Funding for Youth-led Organisations: Invitation to Submit Proposals

Grant Opportunity to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and Future Pandemics

Brcko District
Federation BiH:
Canton 1: Bihac, Cazin
Canton 3: Srebrenik, Kladanj
Canton 4: Zenica, Zavidovici
Canton 6: Jajce, Uskoplje/Gornji Vakuf and Donji Vakuf
Canton 10: Livno, Glamoc, Drvar
Republika Srpska:
East Herzegovina
Birac Region
Prijedor Region
Eligibility Criteria

Non-government, non-profit organizations (including think tanks, civil society organizations), educational and cultural institutions and independent media that are based and legally registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina are eligible to apply. American or other country organizations and individuals are not eligible for grants under this program. Grants are generally awarded only to organizations.
For more information, visit https://www.grants.gov/we

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