Switzerland: Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation’s Grant Program

Switzerland: Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation’s Grant Program

Deadline: 30-Mar-21

The Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation is seeking proposals for its grants program to promote public benefit and whose objective is to encourage and strengthen social cohesion and balance in Switzerland.

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In addition, the foundation contributes to the maintenance and development of the main natural, cultural and spiritual assets and values that contribute to the identity of Switzerland.

The Binding Foundation acts on a national level in the Environment, Social Works and Culture sections . Its support is concentrated in the operational areas of landscape protection , youth integration , cohesion and cultural heritage. In the fields of dance, classical / contemporary music, the Binding Foundation supports professional companies and ensembles.

Incentive Areas

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Environment: In the Environment section they have defined a key point in the Landscape Protection operating sector. They support individual projects in the Bosco incentive framework.
Protection of the landscape: They help to preserve or restore precious living spaces and biodiversity as well as landscapes of inestimable value from a natural and cultural perspective; they also support measures to tackle urban sprawl in Switzerland.
Key points
Territorial planning and containment of urban sprawl: They support projects that contribute to efficient land use. In this area, they make a contribution to the intermediation of good practice and applied research with a link to practice.
Maintenance and restoration of natural and cultural landscapes: They are committed to projects aimed at maintaining and restoring natural and cultural landscapes as well as promoting biodiversity.
Social Works: In the Social Works section they focus on the Youth Integration and Cohesion operational sectors. They support individual projects in the area of incentive Prevention of addictions and violence.
Youth integration: The Foundation makes a contribution to contain youth unemployment and integrate people with a migration background into the process of education, training, and the world of work from an early age.
Cohesion: The Binding Foundation aims to strengthen social cohesion, encouraging the coexistence of people and generations regardless of their origin and linguistic knowledge. In particular, it focuses on the exchange between language regions in Switzerland.
Key points
Youth integration
Integration of young people in the workplace: They are committed to socially disadvantaged young people (poverty, migratory past, disability, etc.), to allow them to integrate successfully into professional life, intervening at the time of the transition from compulsory school to apprenticeship and following the exercise of work activity.
School-age children: They support extra-school offers of assistance and incentives for disadvantaged children with the prospect of improving their school performance and their social skills.
Early incentive: They make a contribution to language learning in the Swiss national languages for children from disadvantaged families.
Social cohesion: The Binding Foundation supports initiatives that strengthen social cohesion. Examples include projects that promote fair debate, exchange across socio-cultural boundaries, or projects that support successful social integration.
The exchange between linguistic regions: In particular, they support the exchange between the linguistic regions of Switzerland as a contribution to raising awareness – especially among the younger generations – about the importance and richness of the cultural, linguistic, and social diversity present in Switzerland.
Culture: In promoting culture, the Binding Foundation strives to ensure the lasting conservation of architectural monuments. It also sponsors high-level artistic activity carried out in a professional capacity in selected sectors of music, dance and visual arts.
Field of action cultural heritage
Monuments: The Binding Foundation encourages the conservation of monuments that have considerable historical or architectural value to ensure their preservation over the long term as the basis of identity, orientation, and insertion into the local fabric. The Binding Foundation supports ideas and projects aimed at lasting use to keep their substance intact. It is committed to making the potential of the monuments accessible and visible to a large segment of the population.
Field of action arts
Ancient music: They help ensembles and organizers to implement innovative and original approaches in the professional ancient music scene to increasingly animate the dynamics of the scene and open it to a wide audience.
Binding first dance operational commitment: The Binding Foundation strives to successfully allow young professional dancers to transition to working life on stage at the end of the training: four to ten graduates still without a job have the opportunity to enter the world of work immediately after graduation in the framework of fixed-term hiring in a professional context.
Operational commitment binding selection d’artistes: Binding Sélection d’Artistes is a collaboration established by the Binding Foundation with Swiss exhibition centers and museums to promote Swiss artists.
For more information, visit https://www.binding-stiftung.ch/it/

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