Summer Grant Program in Canada

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Summer Grant Program in Canada

Deadline: 1-Feb-22

Applications are now open for the Summer Grant Program to support standalone summer programs for children and youth participants under 18 years of age.

Types of programs typically supported include summer camps and day programs offering positive recreation, arts, culture and learning opportunities for children and youth. Summer grants are not intended to support school-related programs; summer fairs or events; adult or all-age programs that occur during the summer; or the summer portion of year-round programming.

Funding Information

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Amount: Maximum of $5,000

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply to CIF, an applicant must be:

An incorporated Saskatchewan nonprofit organization whose primary purpose and activities are to benefit Saskatchewan communities; or
A municipality, health region, school or school board proposing a community-based, community-led programs; and
In good standing with CIF (e.g. there are no outstanding reports or re-payments).
For more information, visit

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